Greyson Estate

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Chapter 26


"Where are we going?" I asked in the passager seat of Tristan's Audi R8 Coupe as we barreled down the highway away from George Bush Intercontinental Airport. I knew we were on Highway 69 heading south Dripping Springs was West like 3 hours West and ever-growing.

"Sugarland", he said weaving in and out of traffic.

"Slow down", I said channeling my inner teacher. The tires made a monotonous hiss over the rain-washed highway. The air that makes its way though the filters was meadow-sweet. "What's in Sugarland?" I know he brought it up once. But, I couldn't remember who live there.

Good sex makes the mind less focused.

"My grandad and Greyson estate", He said still focused on the road in front of him but letting up on his leadfoot.

"And we're going there after a 15-hour flight because?" I was exhausted and I didn't feel like doing anything other than crawling into bed and going to sleep. We had a full day of traveling and this was traveling first class with a private planes. I had no reason to be as exhausted as I was but here I was with zero energy.

"You'll like it. Think of this as part two of a grande vacation".

"Athens didn't start as a vacation it started as a kidnapping plot", I pointed out sinking down into the black leather seat.

"But, you enjoyed yourself towards the end?"

"Yes", which says more about me than it does about him. "Don't you have work?"

"Frist thing Monday", it was early Friday morning. I didn't mind spending a weekend with Tristan after I had just spent eleven days on a secluded island with him. I just wish we could talk about things like this and I wouldn't have to be told we're going here.

"Are your grandparents even expecting us? Or are you just popping by unannounced", I questioned.

"They know. And they know I'm bring you", he added.

"Good to know everyone knew but me. You could have brought it up any time during the flight", I said being passive aggressive.

"I didn't think it would be a big deal", he admitted casting a glance at me.

"You know if you want us to be a couple and work. Communication is key. And I don't like to be told: you will do this or you will go here. If you want to go somewhere with me you should ask", I said.

"Do you want to go home?"

"How close are we to Sugarland?" I responded.

"Twenty-odd minutes", he answered.

"To sugerland then".

"Are you mad?" He asked.

"I'm tired. I don't understand where you get all your energy from I'm ready to collapse".

"I'm use to late night", I guess with his hobby he had to be. He still didn't give me an answer on what it would take to make him stop. We can actually have a good thing if. And this is a huge if he would stop the serial killer shit.

"I'm not", I complained. Tristan took my hand and he is and kiss my knuckles before resting are locked embrace on the arm rest.

"You were on the island", he grinned.

Serves me right for having a thirsty pussy. I quickly changed the subject and flipped on the radio,"Some music to wake me up".

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