"Why not?" Esther looked a bit flustered at her father's negative response.
"Because it's sinful. And God hates sinners, Esther. Because it hurts his feelings."

"But why?" Esther asked again. Everyone was silent now, watching this conversation as their dad got more heated.
"Because that's the way it is. God doesn't allow it, so we have to obey."

He looked at Micha. "Listen, I don't know what ideas that girlfriend of yours is trying to put in my daughter's head, but I will not let her intoxicate her."
Micha frowned. "Dad, I don't know what you're talking about. Anna has nothing to do with this."

"Yes, she does. We heard how she thinks about all of this last time she was here. Obviously this is why Esther is starting to be like that too."
Micha started to get defensive, not wanting his girlfriend to get dragged into this. "Dad, this is nonsense. Anna has her right to speak her mind, even if you don't agree with her."

"Not in this home!"
Esther started making sounds as if she was going to cry, and Joel looked frightened.
Levi had never seen his father like this before. He usually stayed calm, and if he had to say something he would never yell at them.

"That's enough." His mother said.
Her voice was shaking a bit.
"I will not allow her to tell my kids such things ever again."
His dad looked slowly around the room. "Next thing, those children start believing my own son is gay. Isn't that what she said too?"

He stared Levi in his eyes, as he continued. "You are not gay, Levi. You are my son, and I know you won't disappoint me. I love you, and I don't want you to ever believe such lies."

His mom's yell was the last thing Levi heard. He saw his parents talk to each other, but he didn't understand what they were saying. His brother Joel walked up to him, crying.

He sat the boy down on his lap and hugged him tightly, since he needed something to hold.
His father said some prayers, but Levi didn't close his eyes.
He just stared in front of him.

Joel got off Levi's lap, while his father apologized, and told them he shouldn't have yelled at them.
Levi got up, his mom asked where he was going but he didn't feel like answering.

He walked up the stairs, barely even realizing where he was.
He started sobbing as soon as he lied down on his bed. He curled up into a little ball and hugged his knees as he kept on crying, knowing that what he did was wrong.

He had kisses Jay, knowing that everyone would hate him for doing so. Everyone including God. After half an hour he stopped crying, but didn't get up. He was scared to look out the window. He didn't want to see Jay ever again.

He knew he liked Jay. But he didn't expect Jay to like him back.
"My parents are gonna disown me." He softly whispered, knowing that the only one that was here was his plushie animal, and he never told anyone any of Levi's secrets.

He had gotten it for his 5th birthday and couldn't live without the elephant.
He grabbed the plushie and hugged it tightly. "Elliott, don't tell anyone. I kissed Jay. Actually he kissed me, but in the end, that doesn't matter. What matters is that I... liked it."

He took a deep breath.
"I'm sorry. Ever since I got older I have made your life a lot harder. I mean, these things that have been happening to me lately are way different then when I told you I baked a cupcake, or got put in timeout at school for fighting over a toy truck."

His lip started trembling again, and he hated himself for having to cry again. "I just feel like I'm all on my own, you know? I only have you."
He buried his face in the soft elephants belly.
"I'm sorry." He mumbled.

"I won't cry. I won't." He then said, looking at Elliott, who had always been his best friend.
"Levi? Are you okay?" Suddenly his mom was there. He promised himself not to cry, but when his mom said down next to him, he couldn't help himself.

He started crying again and his mom pulled him close. She wrapped her arms around him, and held him like she did when he was a small boy. He could smell the scent of her perfume and realized how much he had missed being held by her like this.

After he calmed himself down a bit, his mom let go of him. She looked at him, wiped some of his tears away and asked what was wrong.
Levi knew he had to tell her. He also knew it would be a huge risk. But he had to.

"I... like Jay." His mom instantly knew. "Oh Levi." She looked at him, and he was scared to look back. She must be mad at him, she must be...
He lifted up his head. His mom was smiling. Then, she got close and hugged him.

"I know you like him." She said, while distancing herself from him again.
Levi bit his lip. " I know it must be a shock to you. I didn't want to like him, it just-"
"I have known for a while, Levi."
Levi's eyes widened. "How-"

"I'm your mom, Benjamin. I know you, better than you think."
She tried to fix his hair a bit with her hands. "Also, I heard what Jay said to you about your friend, the other day, in the kitchen."

It took Levi a while to realise what she was talking about.
When he did, he turned red. "You... heard that?"
She smiled. "I did. But it's fine. I'm sorry for what just happened."

Levi sighed. "It's okay, he was right."
"No." His mom said. "He wasn't. I usually agree with your dad, but with this I simply can't. I know your father won't be happy with me saying this, but there is nothing wrong with you Levi. You're not a bad person for being gay."

Levi looked at her, stunned by hearing his mom say such a thing. "You really think... it's okay for me to be gay?"
His mom took a deep breath. "Levi, your sexuality shouldn't determine your worth as a human being."

Levi didn't know what to say, but his mom didn't give him the time to come up with something. "God wouldn't do this to you. You are an amazing person, Levi. You are such a sweet and caring human being. No God would ever dare punish such a pure soul. So, I guess you being gay wasn't a punishment."

She took Levi's chin in her hand, and made him look her in the eyes. "It was a blessing, Levi. We don't know why yet, and I know it may sound strange right now, but you being attracted to guys is a blessing. I'm sure of that."

Her eyes filled with tears, as she continued: "And you shouldn't be ashamed of a blessing. You can't hide who you are forever. Just... make sure your dad doesn't find out."

Levi bit his lip nervously. "So... you'd be okay with me dating Jay?"
His mom slowly nodded. "I'd have to get used to it, but yes. I just want you to be happy, Levi. You deserve it."

"I already lost one son. I don't want to lose another one."


ugh yes, I cried while writing this.

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