Chapter 28

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Levi looked around the table. His whole family was here, what didn't happen often, since the twins were studying in another city, and lived with some of their relatives, but they would stay at Levi's home for the next two days.

Well, not his entire family was here of course. Moments like this reminded Levi even more of Dave not being here. His parent never talked about him, but he knew they probably missed him too. At least he hoped they did.

His parents had found their own ways to not have to mention him. Levi had witnessed before that whenever his mom got asked how many kids she had, she'd tell them how many kids still lived at home, and then add that she also had twins who left home already.

It wasn't a lie, but she always 'forgot' to tell them that she also had another son who lived on his own.
"Levi, pass me the salad, please?"
Levi handed it to his sister, still continuing to think about Dave, but then he heard his father talk.

"I'm happy you guys are here. We all missed you a lot, it feels different when you're not here."
Jonathan nodded, and Micha answered: "We're happy to be back too. We nearly started missing seeing these kids fight all the time."

Their mom smiled. "That's great. It feels good to be complete as a family again."
Levi didn't want to say it, he really didn't. But the words had already left his mouth before he realised what he was saying. "We are not complete. Dave's not here."

It turned deadly silent for a few seconds. His parents shared a look. His mom was the first to speak. "His name is David, not Dave."
"Dave or David, neither names will be allowed to be used in this home. I do not want you to mention him in my presence ever again, Levi."

Then, everything turned silent again, until Levi's 4 years old brother Joel, spoke. "Mommy? Who is Dave?"
"No one, Joel. He doesn't exist anymore."
Esther frowned, probably trying to remember who they were talking about.

When Dave left, he had just turned 18. Levi knew his birthday was next month, so it had been nearly 4 years. Esther had been just 4 when he left, so she probably didn't remember him. Neither did Joel, who had been about 9 months when he left.

Hanna wasn't even born yet.
She would grow up never even knowing she once had another brother. And if they found out about what Levi did... she wouldn't know him either.

He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't abandon his sister like that. If he was like this, liking Jay, liking guys, he would force Hanna to loose even more family. He couldn't do that. He couldn't let Hanna suffer for his sins.

"David... from the bible?" Esther looked at her dad.
Mr. Anderson. "Yes, David from the bible. Go get the bible, sweetie. Then we will read about him."
They all had finished eating by now, so their dad opened the bible, and started reading.

The story of Jonathan and David. Levi listened to his father's deep voice explaining to them how Jonathan risked his own life, to save David from his father. After he told them about how they said their goodbyes for the final time, mr. Anderson closed the bible.

"Then what happened?" Esther asked. Her mother took her little hand in hers. "That was the last time they saw each other. Your dad will later read about how Jonathan died."
Esther's mouth dropped. "He died?!"

After her mom nodded, she continued: "Did David cry?"
"Oh yes, I'm sure he did. He even wrote a song, to show how sad he was. He and David loved each other a lot."

"We're they in love? Like Anna and Micha?"
"No, not exactly." Mom quickly said, but it was too late for her husband. "Of course not! They are two boys, Esther. Two boys don't fall in love, and even if they do, God doesn't like it."

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