Can You Not (Roman)

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Soulmate AU where everything your soulmate draws on their skin shows up on your skin and vice versa


You had a habit of drawing the Deathly Hallows symbol on your left wrist whenever you could. You didn't know why; you just did. It was neat, and you were a fan of Harry Potter. Sometimes, you would see little doodles of a sword or a terrible cartoon dragon or a heart on your arms, and you would smile. You wondered how your soulmate felt about the symbol that was probably constantly on their wrist.

Then, one day, you didn't have to wonder.

You were sitting at a coffee shop, reading a book and sipping on your drink, when you noticed that your soulmate was hurriedly writing something on your arm.

My friend Logan just told me I could write messages to you on my arm and I don't know how I didn't realize I could do this.

You chuckled at the loopy handwriting and got a sharpie out of your bag, writing back.

Yeah, I didn't know what I would say to you so I just haven't said anything. I like your cartoon dragons.

Thanks. Speaking of that, can you not draw that nerdy ass thing on your wrist? I hate it.

Out of pure spite, you took the black Sharpie and darkened the ever-present symbol on your wrist. Like that?



What's your name?

What's yours?

I asked you first, my lady.

How do you know I'm a lady?

Because I see you writing and smiling at your arm right now.

You looked up to see a very handsome man in a red and white shirt sitting on the other side of the cafe, staring at you with a cocky grin. Across from him sat a man with a black shirt and blue necktie on. He adjusted his glasses and waved awkwardly before returning to his phone. You stood up and approached them, grabbing a chair and sliding it over to their table, sitting down.

"So, you're my soulmate, huh?" You asked, grinning at the man in red.

"That's me. And you're mine," he grinned, holding out his hand. "I'm Roman."

"Y/N," you replied, shaking his hand. "How did you know it was me?"

"I saw the Deathly Hallows symbol while we were both standing in line and I've been trying to figure out a way to approach you," he admitted sheepishly.

"Wow, you call me a nerd when you know exactly what the symbol is called." You grinned.

He blushed softly. "I'll admit, I'm a bit of a nerd myself."

"Good. I'd hate to be stuck with a dumb jock," you teased.

You made small talk balms got to know each other for the next hour or so. You even got his friend, Logan, to chime in on the conversation.

You had the feeling this was the start of something wonderful.

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