Musicals (Preference)

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What your favorite musical to listen to/watch together is:

Virgil: Jekyll and Hyde because of my Dangerous Game oneshot and because he sees himself as a darker version of Thomas.

Patton: Mary Poppins, both Disney and Broadway. He loves the bounciness and the happy songs and all the colors.

Roman: West Side Story because it's artistic and a very in-depth awesomesauce musical (I may be biased).

Logan: Be More Chill. He likes the idea of the SQUIP, and he sees you as Christine because you get all excited over theatre and plays.

A/N- Hahahahahaha! I successfully made a musical preference without adding Hamilton! This is my proudest accomplishment!
Seriously everyone shut the fuck up about Hamilton it's a great show but what about other Lin Manuel Miranda stuff? In The Heights is phenomenal.
Anyways shut the fuck up, we get that Hamilton is good but I'm not gonna mention it and squeeze it into every musical thing I do.

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