Dangerous Game (Anxiety)

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Hey, guys! Sorry for the long hiatus. Writer's block is a bitch, amd I'm trying to tough through it. This one is a songfic. The song is Dangerous Game from Jekyll and Hyde. Sorry if some of the lyrics in the video and in the story are a bit different. There's different versions with different phrasing.

I feel your fingers, cold on my shoulder. Your chilling touch as it runs down my spine.

Anxiety was a tease. You knew how bad of a decision it would be to go for him, but his temptation was mouth-watering. He'd come up behind you as you were doing a task and just run his hand up and down your back, his hot breath on your neck. The tension was palpable.

Watching your eyes
As they invade my soul -
Forbidden pleasures
I'm afraid to make mine.

You were afraid. The constant eye contact from across the room, the brushing past each other purposefully...it made your heart beat faster, made you want to gravitate toward him. But you can't. It would break everything you stand for, which is to never let yourself fall in love...not again.

At the touch of your hand -
At the sound of your voice -
At the moment your eyes meet mine -
I am out of my mind -
I am out of control -
Full of feelings I can't define!

You didn't know how to describe this attraction towards him. You couldn't control it, even though you knew he was just stringing you along. Your body leaned towards his whenever you touched, your ears ringing blissfully when you heard his voice speak lowly to you.

It's a sin with no name -
Like a hand in a flame -
And our senses proclaim
It's a dangerous game

You finally gave into him, letting him have you any way he wanted you. Your first night of love-making was intense and sinful. You regretted it immediately. Unbeknownst to you, Anxiety had just dug himself too deep when he took you.

A darker dream -
That has no ending -
That's so unreal
You believe that it's true!

Anxiety did intend to just pull you along. He enjoyed the game of teasing you. He knew how you had shut yourself away from the idea of love. He wanted to draw it back out in his own dark, twisted way. And he almost believed himself when he thought he wouldn't fall.

A dance of death -
Out of a mystery tale -
The frightened princess
Doesn't know what to do!

Both you and Anxiety were toeing the line of having an emotional relationship. You were terrified of this. It started off as purely sex. You didn't know if he feels the same, and you didn't know how to respond to these feelings.

Will the ghosts go away?
Will she will them to stay?
Either way there's no way to win!

Anxiety seemed to be losing his mind. When he closed his eyes, all he saw was you. You were haunting his thoughts. It all started out as a game...but now there's no way he can win without falling.

All I know is I'm lost -
And I'm counting the cost -
My emotions are in a spin!

Your head was reeling. You were trying to think of the consequences of your actions, but all you could think about was the pleasure he was giving you. You're lost in his passion.

I don't know who to blame...
It's a crime and a shame!
but it's true all the same
It's a dangerous game!

You were desperate, both of you. You kept gravitating towards one another like metal to a magnet. You couldn't deny the feelings anymore. You couldn't seem to hold onto the restraint you were putting on yourself.

No one speaks -
Not one word -
But what words are in our eyes
Silence speaks -
Loud and clear -
All the words we (don't) want to hear!

You didn't speak to one another, only communicating through touch, through lips on lips, through moans and thrusts. There was beginning to be more loving nights, less rough. His caring touch was more blissful than any of the spine-chilling ones he'd given you before.

At the touch of your hand -
At the sound of your voice -
At the moment your eyes meet mine -
I am losing my mind -
I am losing control -
Fighting feelings I can't define!

You were so done with pretending. His perfect eyes, his chilling touch, his beautiful voice. You were falling, hard, and he had trapped himself by falling for you as well. He had lost control on his creation, and it was tantalizing to know he had lost.

It's a sin with no name -
No remorse and no shame -
Fire, fury and flame -
Cos the devil's to blame
And the angels proclaim
It's a dangerous game...

Your sinful touches at night had turned into love, and it was excruciatingly obvious. The fire in your loans had travelled to your heart. It was a devious act, and you were still unsure of his feelings. That is, until you heard the dangerously sweet words escape from his lips as you two shared a bed:

"I love you..."

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