PDA (Roman)

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11. Public Kiss

Requested by: EM0_Otaku, user23340444 

You may be dating a real life version of Prince Charming, but it had its downsides.

For one thing, you had to make sure he didn't draw his sword or wear overly royal attire out in public. You also had to make him realize that life wasn't necessarily a fairytale, since he though you were in danger every time you weren't right beside him.

"Y/N, my Princess!" Roman ran up to you and kissed you passionately in the middle of the park. "I thought I'd lost you."

"You literally went to get a drink, my love. I've been standing in the same spot," you giggled, wrapping your arms aroud his neck as he hugged you closer.

"Well, I still missed you, my dearest," he smiled cheesily. "What if someone had stolen you away while I was gone? I'd have to slaughter them and rescue you."

"My hero," you rolled your eyes, leaning in and kissing him sweetly.

"Okay, okay, enough with the PDA. You'll make me barf," Virgil shouted, covering his eyes.

"I think it's sweet!" Patton smiled, taking a picture. "Great scrapbook material."

"I agree with Virgil on this one. As Natasha Romanoff said, Public Displays of Affection make people uncomfortable," Logan spoke up, adjusting his glasses.

"Oh, shut up, Black Widow," Thomas nudged Logan.

"You guys are kinda ruining the moment here," you giggled, looking over a them.

"That's the point," Virgil grumbled.

"Dont let the peasants bother you, my love," Roman chuckled, kissing your cheek. "They're only jealous."

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