Dating Virgil

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Dating Virgil Would Include:

¤Sharing Trash Memes
¤All black, all the time
¤Emo music
¤Death metal
¤Him only showing his soft side to you
¤Secretly holding hands around the others
¤Rejecting pet names until you find the perfect ones
¤Him finding weird pets like spiders
¤Bingeing Tim Burton movies
¤Pillow forts
¤Complaining to each other
¤Accidentally wearing each other's clothes because it's all black
¤Stealing his hoodie
¤Putting black eyeshadow under your eyes to tease him
¤Constant loving insults
¤Casual suicidal/depression jokes
¤Him getting jealous of fictional characters/celebrities You crush on
¤Really secure hugs from him
¤Constant shoulder to cry on
¤Being secret sweethearts together

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