Drown (Virgil)

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Requested by: @mostar1219

Drowning was one of your worst fears, but it was secret to Thomas and the Sides.

You had horrible nightmares about drowning, some worse than others. You dared not tell anyone, though. Drowning seemed like an irrational fear, though not as irrational as spiders or the dark.

Your boyfriend, Virgil, had noticed something going on. You seemed more quiet in the mornings, and more fidgety at night. You didn't seem to sleep peacefully, like usual. He just tried to ignore it, since it didn't seem too bad and he was sure you were just under stress from helping Thomas with his work.

One night, you had the worst one yet.

You're just swimming in the ocean, not too far from the shore but far enough that your feet don't touch the bottom anymore. It was all relaxing and fun, until a dark stormcloud rolled in.

The waved started crashing violently, sending you under the easter and barely giving you time to breathe before it forced you back down again. You tried to swim frantically for the shore, but the waved pushed and pulled you further away.

On the beach, you could see a familiar figure. He was wearing black swim shorts, and you knew immediately which side it was.

"Virgil..." You weakly called out, trying to regain breath when the water pushed you under again.

You gasped for air when you came back up, yelling as loud as you could with the salt water in your lungs. "VIRGIL!"

You woke up to someone shaking you gently, yet firmly. "Y/N? Darling, wake up, you're just dreaming..."

"Virgil..." You croaked out, hugging him tight and crying. "Dont ever let me go, okay...?"

"Never in a million years, love...what was the dream about...?" Virgil asked, speaking softly and quietly.

"I, um...drowning...I-I am terrified of drowning...and I keep having these dreamed of being on the beach or in a lake where the waves keep pulling me down, but this time...You were on the beach, watching me drown...I don't know if you were even gonna try to save me...You just stood there..."

"I would always save you, Y/N. You don't have to be afraid of drowning. I'll always be there to save you. I'll never let you go swimming alone, okay?" He kissed the top of your forehead, holding you as you calmed down and closed your eyes once again, drifting back to sleep.

"I love you..." You mumbled, already half asleep again.

"I love you, too, Y/N. Go to sleep, love..." he whispered, and you complied, drifting back into your dream.

Virgil jumped into the water and swam to you quickly, fighting the waves as he pulled you to safety.

You never had a drowning nightmare again.

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