Ready Set, Not Yet (Logan)

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Very loosely based on the song Ready Set, Not Yet from Beetlejuice the Musical. Any actual lyrics will be bolded


You and Logan had been thinking about having a kid for a long time, but you still couldn't come to a decision, and you were both going a bit crazy. You were both trying to fix everything and make sure you were both ready as well as distracting yourself with weird new hobbies.

For example, you were obsessively making pottery to distract yourself from the thought of being a bad mother or making something even more breakable and fragile than clay. Meanwhile, Logan was restoring an old crib because he was trying to distract himself with having a sense of perfection so he didn't have to think about having the mental room for a child in his life.

"We can't have a baby with creaky floorboards in the house!" Logan exclaimed when he heard a strange creak as he was pacing around.

"You're absolutely right!" You replied quickly. "Let's add it to the list."

"With the cracks in the plaster," Logan added. "And the wifi should be faster."

"The bathroom's not even finished," you nodded, chewing your lip.

"And what about global poverty?" He blurted out.

"World peace," you nodded.

"The economy!"

"We should learn a new language!"

"How about Mandarin?"

"Or like, Spanish. French maybe."

"Yeah, sure!" He nodded, but then sighed and shook his head. "Okay, we're being crazy here. Listen," Logan grabbed you by the shoulders gently, "I just think there's so much left to do before we should try for a child."

"I don't know, though," you shook your head. "We're at the end of our 10-year plan. We're married. We've got a home, a big yard. We've even got a damn minivan. And we have two extra rooms in the house. Either of them could work as a nursery. I feel like it's the natural next step. And we are running out of time, fertility-wise--"

"Okay, we're not going there right now," Logan shook his head. "I want to have a baby with you eventually, but are we prepared mentally? Children take such a large toll on parents, especially first-time parents. And I'm not the most loving person in the world."

You hit him lightly on the shoulder. "That's not true. Logan, you spent so long hiding the fact that you have emotions from everyone, even yourself. You yourself have lectured Thomas on the dangers of repression. If we hadn't found each other, I think you might have stayed the theoretical robot that you always pretended to be."

Logan sighed in defeat before smiling softly and kissing you gently on the forehead. "I hate to admit it, but this time, you're the right one. Are you completely certain you want to start trying for a child?"

You smiled brightly and wrapped your arms around his neck. "I'm ready to do anything with you by my side, love."

"You're cheesy, but I appreciate the sentiment," he smiled.

You two may not be perfect, or completely sure of what you were doing, but as long as you were together, everything would be okay. You'd work out the whole family thing side by side.

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