Feelings (Logic)

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I apologize for the delayed updates. If y'all have any requests, feel free to private message me or comment, cuz I'm kinda running on empty.

You were never known to be super emotional. You were always the analytical one, a textbook Ravenclaw. (sorry if you're not a Ravenclaw. I'm personally a Hufflepuff but it's just for the imagine.) You were friends with Thomas and the other personalities, but you particularly enjoyed Logan's company.

You two seemed to have an understanding with each other: no true emotions, only logical and intellectual conversations.

Unfortunately, that understanding fell apart very quickly.

You realized you felt attracted towards him when you two had to sit in the back of the car together when you, Thomas, and Logan went to Thomas's college classroom to film vines.

You both had your seatbelts on, but your hands laid dormant on the seat in between you two. When Thomas took a sharp turn, your hands met as you tried to keep your balance. You looked at each other for a moment in panic, and quickly stopped the contact with flushed cheeks.

Yes, that is a kind of lame way to realize that you like someone romantically, but that's how it happened. The real problem was how to address it.

"Logan?" You knocked on his bedroom door, calling his name.

He opened it rather quickly, as of he had been expecting you. "Y/N. How are you today?"

"I need to talk to you."

"Well, come on in," he moved aside so you could step in, and closed the door behind him.

You both faced each other, and you spoke. "I have feelings for you."

"Oh...I thought we agreed on-" he started, and you put a hand up to stop him.

"I know we did. But...I just can't help it, Logan. I know it's stupid, and feelings are completely frivolous, but...it happened."

"Well, if we're being completely honest here...I've developed feelings for you as well. I have been doing so for a while. I just didn't want to seem to forward by immediately agreeing."

"Um...May we kiss?" You asked, blushing lightly.

"We may."

You both embraced, kissing each other softly and hesitantly. It was nice, to finally have a grip on your own feelings.

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