Curse (Roman AU)

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Requested by: @mostar123

You've always had this curse, since you were little.

When night comes, you would turn into the Dragon witch; the worst enemy of your boyfriend, Roman.

The curse would only be broken by an act of true love. But who could TRULY love a beast like youself? Even if Roman didn't know about your condition, you're sure he could never be your true love AND your worst enemy...right?

"Y/N, my love, I have a question," Roman spoke as you were cuddling on the couch together.

"What is it?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Why don't we ever spend the night together? You seem to always disappear at sundown, and we never get to go to dinner or watch the stars or anything..." He frowned.

You froze, trying to come up with a good answer. "I, uh...I have a night job."

"Really? Where do you work?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh...I'm a stripper," You blurted, not thinking. "Yep. Gotta work that pole, get that cash money. I should be on my way now, actually. Bye!"

Roman grabbed your arm before you could leave. "Y/N, be honest with me...I want to trust you..."

You sighed and looked down. "Look, Roman...I'm...I'm cursed. And not in the metaphorical sense. I...I can't really explain it. Please, just let me go and trust that this is for the best..."

He furrowed his eyebrows and nodded sadly, letting your arm go. You rushed out of the room as the sun was starting to go down, and you could feel the transformation coming.

You didn't want to lose control of yourself, but you knew it was going to happen. You stifled a scream as the Dragon Witch took over, shutting you out.

You could see everything happening, but couldn't control it. You marched back into the living room as the Dragon Witch, and Roman jumped up from his seat, drawing his sword readily.

"You blasted creature! Get out of my home, beast!"

You roared and flew at him, and you screamed on the sides, not want in to hurt your boyfriend.

He, however, truly wanted to harm you, not knowing the true nature of the situation. His sword stabbed into your side, and you let out a pained roar before collapsing, turning back into your true self.

"Y-Y/N? What is this...Oh my, you're hurt!" He rushed to your side, dropping his sword as he held you in his arms.

He was crying. His tears fell on your face as he begged for your forgiveness, begged you to survive this.

"T-true...true love's k-ki...kiss..." You stuttered out, coughing lightly.

His eyes widened in realization and he nodded, laying you down gently and brushing the hair out of your face. He leaned down slowly, cupping your face with one hand, and kissed you gently.

A bright light cascaded off of you as you were raised into the air by some magical force, your wounds healed and your curse vanishing.

The light dimmed down as you landed softly on your feet, looking up at your knight in shining armor.

"I guess this is true love, then..." You smiled.

"I suppose so..." he responded, grinning down at you.

You leaned into each other and kissed, his hands on your waist and yours around his neck.

Then, you heard the snap of a camera, and a very excited voice. "That's going in the scrapbook for sure!"

"Patton!" Roman and you groaned in annoyance.

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