Comfort (Anxiety X YOUR Anxiety)

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"So, Thomas, what are we doing today?" You asked as you recorded a video with Thomas Sanders, your best friend.

"Well, Y/N, you have mentioned that you also have your versions of my Sanders Sides, so I wanted some of them to meet each other!" Thomas grinned excitedly.

"Well, depending on which side, that's a pretty good idea," You agreed, shrugging.

"More like a terrible idea," Thomas's Anxiety popped into the room.

"Ugh...Anxiety, this is supposed to be a happy video?" Thomas groaned, annoyed.

"Plus, if you're anxiety is here, that means...oh no..." You sighed, preparing yourself. "Just to warn you, my Anxiety is very different from yours..."

"Oh, I'm sure it can't be that bad," Thomas waved away the notion.

"Wh-what's going on...?" Your Anxiety popped into the room, arms crossed to keep her hands from shaking. That couldn't keep out the stammer in her voice, though.

"Hey, buddy..." You greeted her, trying to act calmly around her. "This is my best friend Thomas, remember? I told you about him. And this is his Anxiety..."

"Wh-what? Why would you b-bring me into this? I-I don't like the social confrontation. You know I don't..." she looked over at Anxiety and scooted slightly away but still stayed in the camera frame.

" she okay?" Thomas asked.

"I told you, she's different. She acts more like...well, like actual social anxiety instead of a depressed emo nightmare," you explained.

"Thanks for the compliment," Thomas's Anxiety shrugged.

Suddenly, your Anxiety did something she's never done before: she stifled a giggle. You looked at her, confused. "Uh...what was that?"

"N-nothing! Leave me alone..." Anxiety cringed and pulled up her hood, sitting down on the stairs.

"Bud, look-" You started, worried, but Thomas's Anxiety put up a hand to stop you.

"I got this," he said, then slowly sat down next to her on the stairs.

"Hey, there. What kind of music do you like?" He asked softly, looking at her with kind eyes.

She looked up at him warily, lowering her hood. "Evanescence, My Chemical Romance, Avenged Sevenfold, stuff like that...why?"

"Well, I have all of those bands on my phone. You wanna listen?" He asked, taking out his phone and earbuds.

She nodded slightly, taking one earbud while he took the other, and they both started listening to music. Your Anxiety noticeably calmed down a lot, and she even scooted closer to Thomas's Anxiety so they weren't pulling the earbuds so much. You saw a hesitant smile creep on both of their faces when they looked at each other.

Thomas and you looked at each other and quietly aww'd, then ended the video in whispers.

"Thanks for watching. Hopefully soon we'll see Y/N's other sides interacting. And as always, stay awesome guys, gals, and nonbinary pals. Peace out!"

You stopped recording and took down the camera, then looked and saw that your Anxiety was having a deep conversation with Thomas's Anxiety. Their faces were mere inches apart as they whispered to each other, giggling and smiling.

"I didn't know Anxiety had it in him to comfort someone..." Thomas spoke as you walked out of the room.

"I didn't know Anxiety had it in her to even talk to a guy..." you replied.

"Am I the only one who ships it?" Morality asked, sitting in the kitchen and sipping coffee.

"No, I ship it as well," your Morality replied, also sipping coffee.

"Its truly a fairytale ending," your princess side twirled happily.

"Indeed. I'm proud of the dark dork," Roman agreed.

"Does this mean more people will start shipping you and Thomas?" Your logical side asked, adjusting her glasses as she looked at you.

"Probably," Logan nodded.

"Yeah, probably. But eh, let the viewers have their fun," Thomas shrugged.

"Yeah. Eventually they'll realize I'm already in a committed relationship with pizza," You giggled.

Most of them chuckled at your joke. Your Morality leaned into the room that Anxiety and Anxiety were in and gasped quietly before gesturing for you all to come over.

You, Thomas, both Logics, both Fanciful sides, and the other Morality went and leaned into the room to see the Anxietys kissing sweetly and hesitantly. You saw Princess about to squeal and covered her mouth.

"I guess my jokes about Anxiety being lonely are for naught," Roman whispered.

"This is so cute!" Both Moralitys whispered in unison.

"Let's leave them alone..." Thomas whispered, pushing us all gently out of the room.

It was cute, and really a perfect fit. Your Anxiety brought out the soft side in Thomas's Anxiety, and his Anxiety brought out the social side in your Anxiety.

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