Switch (Virgil)

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Request by: @MrsSteveRodgers03

Virgil's POV

I never really felt good enough for Y/N. She said she loves me for who I am, but it just doesn't feel like enough to make her stay with me.

Maybe....maybe I could change. As part of Thomas's mind, I can change my looks to make myself more appealing...who should I change to?

I tried out different looks in the mirror, then decided I look pretty damn good as Joan. (I was gonna make it Talyn but Talyn just looked too cute and Joan looked spicy as Virgil so yeahhh)

I went downstairs and walked into the kitchen, where Y/N was. She turned to look at me and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, Virgil, honey? You do realize you're Joan right now, right?" She asked, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Yeah. I look better this way, right?" I asked, straightening out my hoodie a bit.

She scoffed and laughed, shaking her head. "Virgil, you look perfect as yourself. You don't have to change yourself into Joan to impress me. I didn't fall in love with Joan, I fell in love with you."

I blushed and sighed. "I just feel like...I'm not good enough for you..."

She set down her sandwich and cupped my face with her hands, looking me dead in the eyes. "Listen to me, you beautiful Black Parade emo mess. You are perfect just the way you are. I love you no matter what, okay? Don't ever think you're not good enough again, alright? Promise me."

"I...I promise," I smiled lightly, changing back into my regular seld. "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you, too," She smiled brightly, leaning up and kissing me softly. "Now, how about we go upstairs and watch Corpse Bride?"

"Sounds wonderful."

I'm glad to have such a caring partner, and I'm sorry I ever doubted her love for me.

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