Thankful (Pref.)

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What they are thankful for in your relationship

Patton- Your childishness. He's emotional and silly, and he's so thankful that he found someone to be emotional and childish with him.

Roman- Your sense of adventure. You never turn down a surprise or a random outing. He knows he can be a bit extreme and impulsive, but with you he doesn't seem so left out or intrusive. He's thankful that you're always willing to take a journey, emotional or real, with him.

Virgil- Your acceptance. Virgil is secretly a sweetheart, and he's very thankful that you don't make fun of him for it. He's very thankful you accept his edgy, dark, softie self.

Logan- Your open-mindedness. You're always prepared to learn more about any subject, and accept facts freely and without prejudice. He's thankful that you sometimes have a clearer head on certain subjects than he does.

A/N- HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Are you thankful that I actually updated? I totally haven't been ignoring this book to write and read about Stranger Things...*cough* anyway, I hope you all have a great day. If you're from a different country or don't celebrate Thanksgiving, happy Thursday! Bye!


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