Desperate (Logan AU)

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13. Desperate Kiss

AU where Logan and you are detectives.

Requested by: AsheVille47

You and Logan honestly put yourself in a lot of dangerous situations. It was your job, after all, as top-notch detectives.

You and Logan were also insanely in love with one another, but refused to act upon if. It drove all your friend insane, seeing you two toeing the line of a partnership and a relationship every day. To make things worse, you two lived together in a small apartment.

You two acted like a couple a lot. More specifically, an old married couple. You'd bicker or playfully insult each other constantly, and you argued over who would do what around the house/on a case. Then, at the end of the day, you two would be sipping coffee and watching TV on the couch peacefully.

Your job was dangerous. Really dangerous. There were a lot of life-and-death situations, and sometimes you two would walk into a building without knowing if you'd come out alive.

The chrrent situation you and Logan were in was one of the most dangerous you'd ever faced. There was a crazy man that had been terrorising the town, blowing buildings up and robbing banks. He had broken into your apartment and left a message while you were out, saying where to find him and to come without backups or weapons.

Currently, you two were looking up at the abandoned warehouse the address had led to. You sighed, looking up at Logan with an unsure smile.. "Why is it always a warehouse? Why can't it be a mansion or something nice?"

Logan chuckled lightly before sighing as well, looking down at you. "Y/N...we don't have weapons. Nobody knows we're here...I dont know if we're making it out of this one."

"Don't say that, Logan. We're both intelligent, fully capable people. The man in there is a psychopath. We can take him," you tried to sound confident, but you were just as scared as Logan was.

You were about to say more inspirational bullshit when suddenly, Logan's lips were on yours. His hands were caressing your cheeks, pulling you so close to him that he had to arch his back to reach your lips. You reciprocated, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him even closer, standing on your tip-toes and grasping at his hair.

It was a kiss that spoke words you two had always refused to say to each other. A kiss that showed all your fear, all your passion, and all your love. It was a kiss of desperation, and that was exactly the kind of kiss you both needed.

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