Dating Logan

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Dating Logan Would Include:

》Completely rubbing it in his face when you're right about something
》Having to explain sarcasm and millennial lingo to him
》Showing him memes he doesn't understand
》Long, drawn out debates instead of fighting
》You learning way too much about useless factoids
》Using your knowledge of pop culture against him
》Kisses as rewards for him using a "vocabulary word" (lit, fam, etc) correctly
》Kisses as rewards for you knowing the scientific name for something
》Secret cuddling
》Him secretly really enjoying "unsophisticated" cartoons like Spongebob
》"Darling, no."
》Him being convinced that he's Dipper from Gravity Falls
》You stealing his glasses and neck tie
》"Actually, she's right."
》 "Told you so."

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