Wall (Virgil)

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10. Kiss Against A Wall

Requested by: Wendi_Snow

You were shy. Like, really shy. And you had the biggest crush on the moody, emo nightmare with a soft side: Virgil.

Most of your time at Thomas's house was spent leaning against a wall, quietly observing the Sides and their antics. Sometimes Patton or Roman would come over and talk to you for a moment, asking if you're okay or if you wanted to join the fun. You always said no, that you were fine just being there.

You always got glances from the brooding man you admired. He usually spent his time in a corner, arms crossed and frown present. The only times he'd speak was when he corrected others about their stupidity, or when he made sarcastic comments. You always giggled at his comments, and he'd stand up straight, almost proud to have made you laugh.

One day, the guys all wanted to go get something to eat. Patton looked over to the wall, smiling at you. "Y/N, you coming?"

"I'm good, thanks..." you smiled shyly, looking down.

"Yeah, I think I'll stay behind, too."

You looked up to see Virgil walking towards you as the others left, the door slamming behind them.

"So, we haven't really talked much, Y/N," he smiled shyly, standing in front of you.

You glanced up at him, blushing at how close you two were, even if he was standing about a foot away. "I-I guess not..."

"Thats a pity. I, uh, always see you smile and laugh when I make my snarky comments. Nobody else seems to like them," he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Well, you're very original. Hard not to laugh," you smile up at him, still blushing a bit. You didn't notice but your back had left the wall, feet shuffling slightly closer to him.

"Well, I try. Anything to see your smile," he replied, then blushed. "Uh, I didn't mean that in a creepy way or an-"

"It's fine, Virgil," you giggled lightly, blushing a bit. "I like seeing you smile, too."

You didn't know what had triggered his demeanor to change- the way you said his name, maybe, or the compliment, or maybe just a moment of courage he had.

Suddenly, he grabbed your face and pulled you towards him, his lips connecting with yours in a passionate kiss. You froze for a moment before melting into it, your arms looping around his neck and hands tangling in his hair as his hands traveled down to hold onto your waist.

He walked forward while kissing you until your back hit the wall, making you gasp lightly. That gave him the perfect opportunity to deepen the kiss, sliding his tongue into your mouth.

You let out an involuntary moan, and that's when he broke the kiss. You both gasped for air as your stared at each other in shock.

"I-I'm sorry, th-that was stupid. I shouldn't have done tha-" He started rambling, but you cut him off by pecking his lips again.

"Don't apologize. I liked it. I, uh...I like you," you smiled up at him, and he grinned back.

"In that case..." he started, glancing back down at your lips. "Can we please do that again?"

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