Dating Patton

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Dating Patton Would Include:

>Puns everywhere
>Him not understanding innuendos
>Lots of hugging
>Him constantly touching you (holding hands, arms around waist, etc)
>Taking his sweater when you're cold
>Constant cuddling
>"Yes, dear."
>Cooking for everyone else
>You and him blasting "My Dead Gay Son" from Heathers whenever Anxiety is around
>Protecting each other from spiders
>"Y/N, language!"
>Correcting him when he uses the wrong word for things
>Lots of dad jokes
>Giggling and whispering to each other to annoy the others
>Eskimo kisses
>Fogging up his glasses to mess with him
>Bingeing cartoons way too often
>Him forcing you to go to bed at a reasonable hour

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