Fun (Deceit AU)

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Requested by: RaiaPrince

Happy Valentine's Day. This is based off of What Is This Feeling from the musical Wicked. Not a song fic, though. Also it's a college AU! Enjoy!

You set down your bags, finally done moving into your college dorm. You were kind of nervous, though. Your roommate hadn't arrived yet, and it was a boy.

Your parent(s) weren't sure about letting you choose the coed dorms, but they were the cheapest option, and you were here on a scholarship, so you couldn't exactly afford the nice stuff.

Your door slammed open as a really mean, yet attractive, looking guy walked into the dorm. "Hey, you must be my roommate. The guy at the front desk didn't mention that you were a hottie. We'll be a perfect match, then."

You felt a sudden flush of a really strong emotion, and it didn't take you very long to see that you already hated this guy. "Yeah. I'm Dorothy. The guy at the front desk didn't mention you were so conceited."

He forced a laugh. "Sassy. I like it."

You could tell he hated it. Good. "So, you are...?"

"Oh. Just call me Dreamboat," He winked.

"Hm. I think I prefer to call you Dick."

"Wow, I didn't know my penis already had that big of a reputation. Hopefully it won't disappoint," He grinned at you, obviously challenging you to say a better comeback.

"I wouldn't worry about that. I mean, having such a big reputation for being so small is kind of hard to beat, but I'm sure you'll somehow prove yourself to be even smaller," you smirked.

You could tell he was fuming and holding back his anger. Oh, this was gonna be fun.

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