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I enjoyed making the Valentine's preference chapter, so I'm makin another one. Tell me if you want more as well!

What Kisses They Give You

Anxiety: Eskimo kisses. Sometimes you'll be hugging, and he'll lean down so his forehead is against yours and give you a cute little Eskimo kiss. He also likes bopping your nose randomly. Thomas jokes and says Anxiety has a nose fetish.

Logan: Neck kisses. He likes to come up behind you, wrap his arms around your waist, and kiss down your neck lightly. When other people are around, he sticks to simple cheek kisses.

Morality: He likes to leave little kisses all over your face. One on each cheek, one on your forehead, one on your nose, then finally to your lips.

Roman: Sudden, passionate kisses. It seems when you least expect it, Roman is right there to give you a sweet kiss that lasts for a long time.

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