Chapter 23: Group Work

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(Billy): SO LONG!

Billy fires his guns at you but you quickly dodge out of the way using haki and start running at billy.

(Billy): Oh shit!

Billy panics and starts firing multiple shots at you but you dodge all of them easily and jump up to billy and take a swing at his head but he manages to bend backwards and dodges your sword.

(Y/n): Tch.....

(Billy): Got ya!

Billy once again quickly points one of his guns right at your face and fires and but you manage to just barley move your head out of the way with the bullet just greasing your cheek.

(Billy): WHAT!

You use your free hand to punch billy in the stomach but knocks him onto the roof of the building.

(Billy): Ga!

Billy quickly looks up to see you swinging downward at him but billy manages to roll out of the way with your blade going right through the roof of the building.

(Billy's mind): Damn this kid is not just some punk he has some skill on him.

You look at billy and take the sword out of the roof of the building.

(Billy's mind): With some luck the other two will arrive soon so for now I should hold on off.

(Y/n): Hmph.

You leap at billy with your sword raised into the air.


Meanwhile bella and her group are making there way towards the arena by going through the slums of reven but instead of a easy sprint to the arena they run into a group of bandits along the way.


The bandit goes to draw his sword but with her powerful legs bella leaps forward, pulls back her right fist and punches the bandit right in the face with enough force to make a serious dent on his head and send his flying back into a couple of his friends.

(Bella): Wipe them out!

(Bella's group): YEAH!

(Bandit 10): G-GET THEM!

Bella and her group sprint at the bandits and easily tear through them while mia and simon stay in the back making sure to not get caught in the assault.

(Bandit 10): M-MONSTE-

The bandit gets cut off as bella grabs his face and with throws him hard right through the wall of a building.

(Bella): Simon, mia where do we go to now?

(Simon): It is just ahead of here after we get out of these slums we will easily see it.

(Bella): Right (turns to her group) we are almost there girls just keep pushing!

(Bella's group): YEAAAAAHHHHH!!!

Meanwhile with cattleya's group are running through a little area near the docks with a bunch of cages with people in them, food and drinks.

(Cattleya): Okay people we have to set these people free but first we will clean up the trash here.

(Cattleya's group): RIGHT!

Cattleya and her group run towards a group of bandits that are moving cages around and as she and her group charges at the bandits one of the bandits notices her group.

(Bandit 11): HOLY SHIT LOOK!

The bandits turn to see cattleya's group almost at them and they quickly get ready but before they could so much as move forward cattleya brings out her massive blade, raises it into the air and slams it right down on a bandit cutting him clean in off.


(Cattleya group member): HA!

The bandit gets cut down by a swift swing from the member of cattleya's group.

(Bandit 13): STOP THEM!

(Cattleya and her group): RAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

Meanwhile with risky boots and her group who are going through building by building and clearing out any bandits they find.

(Risky Boots): KNOCK KNOCK!

Risky kicks open a door to see a bandit holding a badly wounded man by the throat.

(Bandit 14): WHA-

The bandit get cut off as risky instantly aims her gun and shoots the bandit in the head making them let go of the man.

(Man): T-Thank you so much!

(Risky): Yeah yeah anyone else in here?

(Man): N-No my family was taken by these monsters to the arena.....

(Risky): Well I have good news for you and that is a few friends of mine are heading over there right now to help the people there.

(Man): R-Really!?

(Risky): Yeah now stay in here for now.

(Man): O-Okay and thank you!

(Risky): Yeah yeah.

Risky walks back out and starts shooting at other bandits while her group easily deals with the others but while risky and the monster girls have no problem killing the bandits a certain half genie is having not exactly finding the idea of killing someone to be a easy thing to do.

(Bandit 15): YOU LITTLE BITCH!

The bandit swings at shantae but she uses her great agility to jump over his head, land behind him, turn around and whip him right in the back of the head knocking him forward and making him land flat on his face.

(Shantae): Stay down!

The bandit quickly gets back up.

(Bandit 15): You think your hair is going to keep me down!

The bandit runs at shantae which makes shantae back away but she trips over a body.

(Shantae): Ah!

(Bandit 15): I HAVE YOU NO-

Before he could attack shantae a bullet goes right through his head making him instantly fall over dead leaving shantae to look on in shock.

(Risky): I knew something like this would happen.

(Shantae): R-Risky I-

(Risky): I know killing people is not something someone like you can do.

(Shantae): I-I know these people have done bad things but when the captain told us to wipe them out I......

(Risky): The captain will understand if you can't do it just go back to the ship if you want to.

(Shantae): B-But I want to help.

(Risky): Then make sure these people are okay by giving them those weird magic fruit things you have when you turn into a tree.

(Shanate): O-Okay.

Shantae runs off and heads into a nearby house to help a citizen while risky just sighs while a bandit runs up to her but she just aims her gun at him and shoots right through his face without even looking at him.

(Risky's mind): You have no idea what you got yourself into shantae.

(A/n): Done and done this one was fun to and what I will be doing next is doing 3 chapters on my main book.

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