Chapter 52: Luffy's Bounty

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It has been a good while since you set sail with your brother and while you both are still searching for new land to explore you suddenly hear luffy and his crew screaming at the top of their lungs which makes you and your crew freak out.

(Rebecca): What the hell!?

(Y/n): Luffy!

You run over to the side of your ship and look over to see luffy, nami , ussop and sanji looking down at a piece of paper which instantly makes drop to the ground in frustration.

(Y/n): It's only a wanted poster......

(Rebecca): Those damn idiots are going to keep giving us panic attacks!

(Y/n): You know I thought I would be used to this by now since I grew up with luffy that he has a whole group of people that act like day I throw myself off this ship.

(Bella): You might as well check on how high his bounty is.

(Y/n): (sigh) Might as well.

You jump off of your ship and dive towards luffy's ship until you spin around with your feet facing the ground and land with a loud thud next to usopp.

(Usopp): WHOA!

(Y/n): How high is your bounty luffy?

(Nami): Can you not jump down onto our ship like that! You could give us a-

(Y/n): Yeah yeah I know, you could get a heart attack but time for more important matters.

(Luffy): Here is my bounty now!

Luffy with quite a smile on his face gives you the bounty poster which you get a good look at.

(Y/n): Hey ussop is that you on the picture?

(Ussop): Yeah and sanji is jealous.

(Sanji): I am not!

You laugh at bit at sanji's little moment of anger until you look down at luffy's bounty which gives you quite a shock.

(Y/n): You got 30 million!

(Luffy): Hahahaha! I am just happy I got a wanted poster now!

(Y/n): What have you been doing since you became a pirate? I highly doubt it was just arlong.

(Luffy): Well..........ummmmmm........I know I saved zoro from a marine base which may of gotten me in trouble and then after that I faced a guy with a big red nose.

(Nami): Ugh! that would be buggy the clown, he had a devil fruit that would allow him to not be harmed by sword attacks.

(Y/n): That sounds quite troublesome for zoro.

(Nami): He actually got caught off guard by buggy but that was mainly due to him not knowing of buggy's devil fruit.

(Luffy): I sent him flying!

(Nami): Thanks to me of course.

(Luffy): Oh yeah, you tied parts of his body up which made him look very small.

(Y/n's mind): What in the hell.....

(Luffy): Then I faced a guy in a yellow armor and his crew.

(Sanji): That would be don krieg who is a pirate that ran away from the grand line after a man known as mihawk attacked him.

(Y/n): I heard about mihawk from zoro but nothing on this don kreig guy.

(Luffy): He had a pretty tough armor and a crazy explosive weapon but in the end I came out on top!

(Sanji): Although you would of drowned if not for me saving you.

(Y/n): I am sensing a pattern here......

(Ussop): Hey! don't forget about kuro!

(Sanji and y/n): Who?

(Nami): He was the leader of a crew called the black cat pirates.

Just as nami mentions the name of kuro's crew both you and sanji try VERY hard not to laugh as the two of you cover your mouths with your hands.

(Y/n): G-Go on.....

(Usopp): He was a creep who was once helping kaya but suddenly turned against her and tired to kill her but thanks to me, luffy zoro and nami we managed to get rid of him.

(Y/n): I guess he must of being tough if it took four of you to take him out.

(Luffy): He had a move that made him vanish after he did this weird dance.

Luffy starts swaying from side to side as he looks to have done limp.

(Luffy): Then poof, he would of vanished and tried to attack everything in sight such as his own crew which pissed me off.

(Y/n): A pretty stupid captain if he attacks his own crew but I expect nothing less from a guy who has a crew called the black cat pirates.

(Luffy): After that it was arlong and you of course seen how that went.

(Y/n): You have been around a good bit and getting a bounty this high even when you are only on the east blue is quite impressive.

(Luffy): I am going to be pirate king after all so I better be impressive!

(Y/n): Just don't let your bounty get to your head luffy because from what I heard from garp......there is alot of dangerous people out there.

(Luffy): Don't worry about me y/n, I will beat them all!

(Y/n): (sigh) Luffy how about I spare with you for abit.

(Luffy): Really!

(Y/n): Yeah I need to see how good you are now with your devil fruit.

(Luffy): Alright let's go!

Luffy puts his arms up but the second he tries to dash at you, sanji hits luffy over the head and knocks him to the ground.

(Sanji): Are you nuts!

(Nami): If you two go crazy right now, you could damage the shop!

(Y/n): Oh yeah that is a fair point, we will spare on my ship then.

(Luffy): Okay!

You got into a running start as you buff up your legs to shoot up towards your ship which leaves a small dent on the deck of luffy's ship.

(Luffy): Hey! Don't damage my ship!

You land softly onto your ship as you see luffy stretching out his arms to grab onto your ship and shooting himself upward towards you.

(Y/n): Sorry but it is not my fault your ship has weak wood.

Luffy lands just next to you.

(Luffy): Don't mock my ship!

(Y/n): You going to make me stop?

(Luffy): GOMU GOMU NO!

Luffy's right arm stretches backwards as your crew looks a little surprised.

(Selena): What is going on? did they have an argument? 

(Rebecca): Who cares!? We will get to see a fight!

(Luffy): PISTOL!

Luffy shoots his right fist right at your face which connects and knocks you back until you stomp both your feet into the ground and slide backwards for a bit until you come to a stop.

(Y/n): Luffy......

You smile at your brother as you get into a fighting stance.

(Y/n): You still have a long way to go...

(A/n): Done and done, for the most part a pretty chill chapter until the end as a little sparing match will happen next chapter. I will probably go off and work on another of my books for now since I decided to only do one chapter per book for now but anyway I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

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