Chapter 13: Giga Mermaid

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Both you and shantae roll out of the way of the beam as it makes a small crater on the ground.

(Y/n): Good thing I did not take that head on.

You look back at the giga mermaid as it looks right at you ready for another attack however just as the giga mermaid charges up another attack a fire ball hits her making her stop the attack.

(Y/n): !

You turn to see shantae holding two fire balls in her hand.

(Y/n's mind): Nice 

(Shantae): Go for the chains!

You smirk and take out your sword as the giga mermaid goes to attack shantae with another blast from her gem.

(Shantae): Tch.

The giga mermaid fires a blast at shantae however she was just about able to roll out of the way.

(Shantae): That was close!

You in the mean time dash at both the chains at the bottom and with two swift cuts you destroy them.

(Shantae): Whoa he cut through them so easily!

(Y/n): Alright two more to go.

You fall back onto land as the giga mermaid looks down at you with rage in her eyes.

(Y/n): Hey don't give me that look I am trying to help you!

You jump towards the pillar on the right and run up it and easily cut up the chain on the right.

(Shantae): Y/n look out!

(Y/n): !

The giga mermaid charges up another attack from her gem however shantae fires lighting of her own at the giant mermaid making her stop her attack again.

(Y/n): This is it!

You jump off the right pillar and dash right at the last chain and with one swift swing you cut through the chain.

(Shantae): YES!

You stop yourself on the left pillar and stop off it and land back on the ground.

(Y/n): That should do it.

The giga mermaid grits her teeth as she breaks the remaining smaller chains that were holding her and sure enough she breaks them all off her including the pillars as well and the giant mermaid goes back down into the ocean.

(Shantae): YAY! WE DID IT!

You put your sword back into it's sheath and sigh.

(Y/n): Yeah now we just need to find that baron jerk-

Suddenly the giga mermaid erupts out from the ocean with the same look of anger from before.

(Shantae): I don't like the look in her eyes.....

(Y/n): Well I guess being chained up for quite a while does that to you.

The giga mermaid grits her teeth as she goes in for a strong punch aimed right at shantae.

(Y/n): LOOK OUT!

You push shantae out of the way and just before the large fist of the giga mermaid hits you you jump back just in time.

(Shantae): WHOA!

(Y/n): Hey we helped you why are you attacking us!

The giant mermaid does not reply as she roars and sents out lighting like attacks from her gem.

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