Chapter 26: Brute Strength

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Both johnny and bella leap at each other and clash swords which sends out a little shockwave and the two of them start to push against each other for a few seconds until bella swings her other sword at johnny but he luckily jumps back a bit to dodge it.

(Johnny): RAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Johnny puts both his hands onto the handle of his sword, runs towards bella and just as he gets close enough he swings his sword downward at bella who blocks the swing by using both her swords and due to the force of johnny's swing bella's feet crack the ground a bit.

(Bella): IS THAT ALL!

Bella's muscles start to get larger as she pushes johnny back little by little until johnny's blade starts to crack a little.

(Johnny): !


Bella pushes much harder and a few seconds later johnny's blade breaks in two.

(Johnny): I-Impossible!

Bella quickly slices johnny along the chest with both her blades leaving an x shape on his chest and just as johnny screams in pain bella buffs up her right leg and kicks johnny in the stomach.

(Johnny): GA!

(Bella): I'm not done yet!

Bella immediately starts rapidly kicking johnny over and over again with her right foot with each kick hitting harder and harder.


Bella stops her kicks, throws her swords to the side, makes her right arm more buff and then punches johnny right in the face and sends him flying back into the wall again.

(Bella): Tch.

Bella turns around and goes to return to her group however just as she turns around johnny appears behind her ready to take a swing at her.

(Bella): !

As bella turns around she is met with a fist to the face which knocks her back a bit but she appears to be not fazed by the punch all that much.

(Bella): I guess that punch did not kill you.

(Johnny): will take more than that to kill me!

(Bella): Than I will have try harder.

Johnny takes a deep breath and then gets into a fighting stance while bella simply stands there.



Both bella and johnny suddenly jump forward with bella pulling back her right hand and johnny pulling back his left hand and just as both get within range of each other they both go in for the attack with both their fists colliding.

(Simon): GET HIM BELLA! 


Bella lands a strong right hook to the right side of johnny's face but he quickly counters with a punch of his own and hits bella in the center of her face but as bella goes back a tiny bit johnny noises that bella is smiling.

(Johnny): What are you smiling about?

Bella looks right at johnny with quite a creepy looking smile.

(Bella): I had my fun now you die.

Bella lands a strong punch to johnny's stomach which makes him cough out saliva. 

(Johnny): GA!

Bella continues to attack johnny with a huge barrage of punches which really starts to do serious damage to johnny as the bones of his rib cage start to crack, his nose gets flatten in and the bones in his arms start to break.


Johnny starts to step backwards as he screams in agony but his eyes widen as bella pulls back her right hand and buffs it up quite a bit.

(Bella): So long.......

(Johnny): P-PLEASE!


With most of her strength behind the punch she hits johnny right in the torso which completely blasts off the upper half of his body and destroys the wall behind johnny leaving a large hole in the wall.

(Simon): Whoa!

(Mia): Is that it?

(Crew Member): Yep that's it for him.

Bella takes a breather and her muscle go back to normal as she turns around and walk back over to the gate and instead of lifting it up she grabs two bars in the middle of the gate and opens a large gap in the gate.

(Bella): Let's get out of here before more bandits appears.

The citizens all nod and run out of the little gap between the gates with bella's following close behind them however bella turns to see simon and mia look a bit upset.

(Bella): I take it you did not find your parents?

(Simon): No.....

(Mia): Maybe.....we were to late....

The two kids lower their heads but bella gently puts her hands onto both simon and mia's heads which makes them look up at her.

(Bella): I know things look to be quite grim but you should not give up just yet for we may still find them so stay strong.

The two kids look at each other for a few seconds until they both nod at each other and look back at bella.

(Simon): Okay.

(Mia): We will stay strong for you bella.

(Bella): (smiles) Good now let's go.

Bella and the two kids walk after the crew members and the citizens.

(Bella): I hope the others are fairing well.

Meanwhile with risky as she peaks from around a barrel and shoots down two bandits.

(Risky): Looks like that is the last of them-

A loud thud is heard from above which makes risky look up to see none other than billy who has patched himself up a bit.

(Billy): Well what do we have here? a bunch of idiots trying to mess up our home.

(Risky): Those wounds look recent so I take it you either got smacked about by someone or you somehow injured yourself like an idiot.

(Billy): Tch.

(Risky): You know you could run away I mean with those wounds you would hardly be a threat.

(Billy): Alright you little bitch! (takes out guns) YOUR ON!

Risky also quickly takes out her gun again and looks at billy with a cocky smirk.

(Risky): Have it your way bandit.

(A/n): Done and done sorry this took a while I had to make a few changes to it but I hope your happy with how it turned out and I shall go and work on the next chapter after I take a break tomorrow and I will say I will not be able to work on the chapter on friday due to me being busy that day.  

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