Chapter 27: Show of Skill

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Both risky and billy stand there with there guns drawn at each other for a good few minutes but while billy grins and waits risky is very slowly pulling the trigger of her gun and soon enough her guns fires but billy luckily predicts it coming and just barley moves out of the way with the bullet going right through his left ear.

(Billy): AGH!

Risky smirks as billy holds onto what remains of his left ear and looks at risky with anger in his eyes.

(Risky): Awww what's wrong? did that hurt?

(Billy): YOU BITCH!

Billy in rage points his guns at risky again but risky runs over to a building and manages to get behind it as billy fires at her.


(Risky): Yeah yeah I know I got the message.

Billy continues to fire at the area where risky is hiding however as he shoots his injuries hand behinds to hurt which causes him to grunt in pain and stop firing his right gun which risky uses as a chance to jumps out from her cover and fires a well placed shot to billy's right knee.


Billy drops to one knee while screaming in pain as risky once again aims her gun at him with an evil smirk on her face.

(Risky): You should of come after me when you were fully recovered and not injured you fool.

Risky fires at bill a few more times with a bullet hitting his other knee, two hits both his shoulders and the last bullet hits his stomach.

(Billy): GA!

Billy fall over and lands flat as blood pours out of him.

(Risky): Too easy.

Risky looks away from billy as he lays on the ground coughing out alot of blood.

(Billy): I'm.....not.....done.....yet.

Billy uses his other hand to aim his second gun at risky's back but as he goes to pull the trigger risky without even looking fires over her shoulder and the bullet hits billy right in the head killing him instantly.

(Risky): Hmph.

Risky walks on and continues through the area with her group while meanwhile you are still fighting the man in the suit known as William.

(Y/n): RAHH!

You swing your sword around in a 360 with enough force to send out a strong circle of red energy from your sword which cuts down a large group of attacking bandits.

(William): Unless 

You look towards william with an unimpressed look on your face.

(Y/n): You have not really impressed me all that much so I don't know what your talking about.

(William): I was simply holding back since I don't want to waste energy dealing with a lowly pirate.

(Y/n's mind): This guy is a complete idiot.

(William): But since you don't really think much of me I shall put you in your place.

William puts his hands into the pockets of his suit and takes out 2 round shaped objects.

(Y/n): Hm?

(William): Prepare yourself.

William throws the round objects at you which makes you brace yourself however as you slice them a large amount of smoke comes out of them.

(Y/n's mind): This is just great.

You again brace yourself while looking around in the smoke until you suddenly hear a step behind you but makes you turn around and swing however instead of william you cut down a bandit.

(Y/n): Nice try-

You see something at the corner of your right eye come flying at you which makes you quickly turn and block the incoming object which happened to be a fork.

(Y/n's mind):........A fucking fork?

Suddenly a large amount of sharp objects ranging from forks and knifes come flying at you from all around.

(Y/n): !

With quick thinking you swing in a 360 again and the shockwave of the swing does knock most of them away along with the smoke however a few of them does dig into you as a knife stabs into your left shoulder, 2 forks dig into your left arm and you can feel a fork has got you in the back.

(Y/n): (Groans in pain) Fuck that hurts!

(William): Well well I am impressed you only got out with a few stuck in you.

You look behind you to see william standing there with a smirk on his face.

(Y/n): Well that's what I get for messing around.

You keep an eye on william as you take out the knifes and knife that are stuck in you.

(William): Do you now understand how far our skills our from each other? 

(Y/n's mind): Oh you have no idea how far you are form.

You smirk a bit as you look at william.

(Y/n): Oh sure your skills are I guess but let's be honest here I am far above you in skill.

(William): Excuse me?

(Y/n): You heard me and in fact I would say that the big muscle guy was more impressive compared to you who just throws sharp things and acts like he is something amazing when he really is not.

William's eyes widen as his anger starts to build and build as your smirk get bigger and bigger.


(Y/n): Did they let you win because they felt sorry about an idiot using things from a kitchen as a weapon?

A short silence happens has william finally snaps and takes our a fork and knife,

(William): I WILL KILL YOU!!!

(Y/n): So the real you come out.

William in a blind rage charges at you readying to cut you down.

(Y/n): (sigh) This get this over with.

Just before william could slice you up you casually swing at william a couple of times and cut off both of his arms.


(Bandits): WILLIAM!!

William drops to his knees as he screams in agony while blood shoots out from what's left of his arms.

(Y/n): So long.

You swing right across william's neck and cut his head clean off which horrifies the remaining bandits.

(Bandit): William.....defeated......

You take a deep breath as you look towards the largest building of reven.

(Y/n): I should head there next but....

You slowly turn towards the remaining bandits.

(Y/n): I will deal with you lot first.

The bandits look at you in fear as they start to turn around and try to make a run for it.

(Y/n): Your not going anywhere!

You leap at the bandits and start cutting into them all with a little smile on your face.

(Y/n's mind): Not long now until this is all over.

(A/n): Done and done sorry this took a bit my old laptop got the black screen of death but luckily my family has a small not has good laptop that was laying around so luckily I can still do these stories and right now I shall take a day break before I return to do 3 chapters on my main book.

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