Chapter 25: Reven Arena

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(William): Oh please all you are is just a bunch of overconfident fools thinking you can take over this place.

(Y/n): We are not here to take over this place....

You point your sword at william while having a cocky grin on your face.

(Y/n): We are here to wipe out all of you bandit rats and save the innocent lives you have ruined.

(William): As if you will even get the chance!

William takes out two knifes and starts sprinting at you while you also start dashing at william with energy slowly oozing out of your sword.

(William): HAAAAA!


Meanwhile with bella and her group as they are now at the front of the arena with bella throwing a bandit to the side as she stares up at the tall building.

(Mia): This is it!

(Simon): Yeah! and from the sounds of it the arena is not on today.

(Bella): Do you know were your parents are locked up?

(Simon): No sadly all we know is that they keep people here for later fights.

(Bella): Alright but just stay with us you never know what could be hiding in here.

(Simon and mia): Yes mam!

They all head over to the arena's large front gate but that problem is quickly dealt with as bella walks over to the gate and casually lifts it up leaving mia and simon shocked.

(Mia): Whoa....

(Simon): She so strong!

(Bella): Get in you lot.

Bella's group go under the gate and just as the last person goes in bella quickly pushes up the gate and enters the arena with the gate landing with a loud thud.

(Group Member): Jezz you could of gently put it down.

(Bella): Zip it.

The group makes there way through the inside of the arena with them coming across weapons, armor and a bunch of cages with noting in them.

(Bella): Odd why is there so many cages with nobody in them?

(Mia): I don't know.....

(Simon): Maybe they just don't have someone in there yet......

(Bella): Could be.

The group continue looking around until they get to far back of the arena to wish they start to see more cages but this time they see people in them.

(Bella): Bingo.

The group run over to the cages with bella ripping the door off the cages and setting the people free.

(Man 1): W-Who are you people?

(Bella): We are here to get you lot out of here.

(Man 2): R-Really?

(Man 3): God bless you people I thought we were goners.

(Bella): No problem just make sure you stay in hiding until we clear out the bandits.

(Woman): Yes mam!

(Group Member): Hey kids do you see your parents?

(Mia): No.....

(Simon): They must be here somewhere!

Suddenly a loud thud is heard from outside making everyone stop what they are doing.

(Man 2): What was that!

(Woman 2): It sounded like it came from the battle zone!

(Bella): (Looks at her group) You lot stay here and keep an eye on this lot while I go and check it out.

(Group Member): Are you crazy we don't know who is out there.

(Bella): Just do what I say okay.

Bella's group looks a bit worried but they eventually nod in agreement as bella makes her way to another large gate were she looks out at the so called battle zone through the gate to see a large buff man standing in the middle of it.

(Bella's mind): He looks injured so most likely he was in a fight with the captain and ran away.

Bella lifts with the gate in front of her, goes under it and lets it go and as it closes johnny looks over to bella and smirks.

(Johnny): So that bandit was right there are others causing trouble.

(Bella): Indeed there is and we won't stop until your all dead.

(Johnny): HAHAHAHA! I would love to see you try!

Johnny draws his large blade as he sprints towards bella who just smiles as she also does the same by drawing one of her own blades and holds it with both hands as she remains in place as johnny brings down his blade only for bella to block it with her own.

(Johnny): Grrrr!

While the two clash swords it does not take long for mia to run over to the gate that bella went through and look out at the battle between johnny and bella.

(Mia): Bella....

(Johnny): HA!

(Bella): RAH!

With every clash sparks fly as the two swing at each other over and over again until once again both their blade clash.

(Johnny): What the hell are you? some kind of animal person?

(Bella): I am a mink you fool!

With a large amount of force bella quickly takes her right hand off of her blade while keeping her left hand on it and palm slaps johnny right in the chest.

(Johnny): GA!

Johnny flies back to the other side of the arena and crashes into the arena walls.

(Bella): Hmph.

Johnny coughs a couple of times and looks at bella.

(Johnny): You bitch!

Johnny gets himself out of the hole he was in.

(Bella): Your gonna have to try harder than that if you even want to make me get serious.

(Johnny): (smirks) Fine then.

Suddenly the muscles on johnny's arms, legs and torso grow in size which makes bella's eyes widen as johnny leaps forward with this time being much faster and just as he gets to bella he swings at her with bella just about managing to block the swing but due to the force of the swing she goes back quite a bit.

(Mia): Bella!

Bella looks shocked as she look at johnny who has a smug look on his face.

(Johnny): It has been a while since I got serious and I was going to use this on your friend but I guess you shall do for now.

Bella still has a shocked look on her face but that chances as she slowly makes a ear to ear smile.

(Bella): Finally!

She draws out her other sword and makes a x shape with her two blades.

(Bella): About time you weaklings gave me a challenge! 

(A/n): Done and done this one was fun to do although it did have to go through a couple of tiny changes but other than that I had fun and I hope you liked it and now I shall go and do 3 chapters on my main book tomorrow. 

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