Chapter 24: Plan Discovered

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(Y/n): HA!

You swing for billy with him barley managing to jumping out of the way and as he steadies himself he quickly aims his guns at you and fires but just before the bullets hit you quickly smack the bullets away with the flat part of your sword.

(Billy's mind): What the hell is this guy!?

You jump towards him with your sword raised in the air but just before you could cut him a large sword suddenly appears from your right side and goes to smack you across the face but you managed to quickly stop yourself and bend over backwards and dodge the incoming sword.

(Billy): About damn time you showed up!

You stand up straight and jump to the left in other to get away from what attacked you and just as you land on the ground you get a good look at who tried to hit you with the sword and the person is a large buff man with very short hair, a big chin, brown eyes and pretty small ears.

(Buff Man): Zip it.

The buff man turns to face you with a serious look on his face but he then suddenly starts laughing quite loudly which confuses billy.

(Buff Man): Please don't tell me most of our men are getting killed because of this one kid?

(Billy): Tch trust me johnny he is not just some normal kid I swear the things he does his not human like he can dodge and deflect my bullets at point-blank range!

(Johnny): Really? (looks back at you) so your not just some brat with an ego but someone with some skill.

(Y/n's mind): From the looks of it he must be the big heavy hitter guy so at least I got his attention but I wonder if there is more of them?

(Johnny): You can stay back billy I have this one.

(Billy): Hey why the hell are we doing the one on one crap!?

(Johnny): Because I said so.

(Billy): RAH! that is stupid! we should take him together!

You simply stand there with one eyebrow raised just looking at these two argue but you then just put the tip of your sword into the ground and lean on against it.

(Y/n's mind): Well at least this is giving the girls more time and giving me some time to catch a break.

You stand there for a good minute just looking at the two arguing but while you are catching a break you suddenly hear footsteps from behind so you turn around only to see a man in a suit almost ninja running towards you.

(Y/n): What the!

The man in a suit jumps into the air and throws 4 knifes at quite a good amount speed at you but you managed to stop each of them by using the flat part of your sword to block them from hitting you.

(Billy): Huh?

(Johnny): You took your time william.

(William): Sorry for the late arrival I had a quick little drink better I got here.

(Billy): I should of known you would of done that.

(William): Anyway who is this?

(Billy): He is the punk that has been killing our men and wrecking the place up!

(William): I see but can I ask you stranger as to why you would do such an action?

(Y/n): No reason just wanted to come here and trash this place up.

(Johnny): I find that hard to believe!

Johnny leaps towards you and goes to take a swing at you with his club but due to how slow he is you easily move out of the way of his attack.

(Johnny): RAH!

You smirk at johnny as you lift up your sword again and quickly swing at johnny to which you manage to leave a nasty slice across his torso.

(Johnny): AAAAHHHHHH!!!!

(Billy): Damn!

Billy points his left gun towards you and aims at your chest but before he could shoot you quickly pull out your gun and fire at his left gun with your bullet going right down the barrel of his gun just as billy fires it only for his gun to blow up in his hand with shrapnel going everywhere with some of it hitting billy's face, his torso and his left arm.

(Billy): AAAAAHHHHH!!!

(William): (sigh) Oh dear

(Y/n): Hey suit why don't you try and give it ago.

(William): If you wish you die that badly then I shall swiftly end your little life.

William opens his suit to reveal a bunch of sharp looking knifes under them.

(Y/n): Oh great....

William takes a couple of them out and readies himself and you do the same.

(William): Prepare to die.

(Y/n): Not before I kill you first.

The two of you stand there for a few seconds but before you could both attack each other a large amount of bandits appear out of nowhere and surround you all but what's strange is that some of them are injured.

(Y/n): Great more rats.

(Bandit): Commander william we have urgent news.

(William): What is it?

(Bandit): We just got word that several groups of pirates are heading to the arena and another group is freeing the prisoners.

Your eyes widen hearing this while william slowly smirks.

(William): So that is what is going on your just a distraction.

(Y/n's mind): Dammit!

(William): Well now we can't have those pirates ruining everything so johnny you go to the arena while you billy quickly fix your wounds and go stop who ever is freeing the prisoners while I hold off this boy.

(Billy): Agh f-fine.

(Johnny): Tch.

You stand there panicking a little but you take a deep breather and look at william.

(Y/n): You know what I will let you 2 go.

(Johnny): What?

(Billy): Why?

(Y/n): Because I am hardly going to worry for my comrades when the people they are going to face are injured people.


(Johnny): WHY YOU!

(William): Both of you enough!

Both billy and johnny quickly calm down and look at william.

(William): Just go and do what I told you if those pirates complete their tasks then this whole island could be in danger.


(Billy): Yeah!

(Y/n): Good luck~

Both johnny and billy run off with you looking back at william with quite the smirk on your face.

(William): Your confidence in your crew is quite large but even while injured both johnny and billy can easily crush simple pirates.

(Y/n): Oh trust me the crew crimson pearl are not just simple pirates.

(A/n): Done and done sorry this took a while I had to deal with the whole getting wisdom teeth taken out and bloody hell was it annoying but anyway I shall be taking a break tomorrow and then I shall return to this book to do another chapter. 

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