Chapter 32: Scary Reunion

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Your eyes widen hearing zara's name but you quickly regain your composure and narrow your eyes at jason.

(Y/n): Why does she want to see me?

(Jason): I was tasked to search for you after we capture a few people known as sanji, yosaku and one I am sure you know who goes by the name of monkey d luffy.

Within seconds of him finishing his sentence you draw your sword and press the tip of the blade against his neck.

(Y/n): What the hell have you done with my little brother!

(Jason): Relax we have done noting to luffy but the two people that was with him were not so lucky as the one called sanji was almost killed by zara when he acted a little creepy around her and as for the one called yosaku he just got punched alot while luffy remained unharmed.


You put away your sword and cross your arms.

(Y/n): I want you to take me to her.

(Rebecca): Wait what are you nuts!

(Selena): This could be a trap.

(Y/n): I don't care if my little brother is in trouble then I will come to his aid no matter what.

(Jason): I can see why captain zara has interest in you, you will go straight into danger if ones you care for are in trouble.

(Y/n): Just shut it and lead the way.

(Jason): Alright.


A few hours have passed since jason has started to lead you to where zara and luffy are and since you have asked everyone to get up to the deck in order to get ready for a fight and while makino was not a very happy person hearing about zara attacking luffy you managed to calm her down with even some help from jason himself as he says zara won't hurt luffy. Rebecca and risky have started to loud their guns, bella and cattleya have started to sharpen their swords, shantae and selena have started to wonder how things will go and you were standing at the front of your ship with jason next to you with your arms crossed.

(Y/n): Tell me how did you come across luffy?

(Jason): We were given a mission from the admiral akainu to find a group known as the straw hat pirates and when we found them zara simply pulled their ship into a nearby island and then we captured the three of them and from luffy's roaring they were headed to a place called arlong park until we stopped them.

(Y/n): How did zara pull a ship into an island?

(Jason): She used her devil fruit ability.

(Y/n): She has eaten a devil fruit!?

(Jason): Indeed it was gifted to her for doing very well in missions and charging into dangerous areas fulled with pirates.

(Y/n): Well she has being working hard.

(Jason): Indeed she has and she is doing it all so she can be a strong wife for you.

(Y/n): (sigh) I hope I can get luffy and his friend out of the way quickly.

(Jason): Do you hate her?

(Y/n): No no no it is just her whole personality is.........really weird.

(Jason): She is quite serious during battles to the point were people would confuse her for a pirate rather than a marine.

(Rebecca): Captain are you sure we need to be ready for combat? this lady sounds like she just wants to see you.

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