Chapter 15: Leaving Scuttle Town

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You make your way through mermaid falls, arrived back at the village and headed back to your ship.

(Y/n): I'm back!

(Crew): Hello captain!

(Y/n): Whoa it seems your all up now.

(Selena): So how did your talk go?

(Y/n): It went well although she did not give me the answers I was seeking but she did tell me to go ask 2 people about it with them being oliva who protects an island called amazon lily and pandora the queen of the sea who.........okay she didn't tell me were to find her.

(Bella): Why would you want to go see oliva?

(Y/n): Well the reason is because for some reason I can hear the giga mermaids voice like my old man however others could not hear her so I am hoping that oliva or pandora can give the answers and bella I take it you know her?

(Bella): Yes I knew her when I was young she is quite friendly.

(Y/n): Well that's good.

(Bella): Just don't do anything stupid or she will drag you deep into the ocean and watch as you slowly drown.

You look at bella with widen eyes.

(Y/n): I will make sure I don't do anything stupid.

(Bella): Good (smiles)

(Rebecca): So what are we going to do now?

(Y/n): Well we are waiting for shantae to bring a new batch of crew members.

(Rebecca): Shantae is coming with us?

(Y/n): Yep.

(Rebecca): Jezz this place is going to be crowded real fast.

(Cattelya): It will make things more fun though and maybe you will make friends with someone who has a crazy personality like you rebecca.

(Rebecca): Hey I am not crazy!

(Crew and Y/n): Yes you are.

(Rebecca): Hmph.

(Crew and Y/n): We still love you though hahahahahaha!

Rebecca's eyes widen as her face goes red.

(Rebecca): S-Shut your mouths!

Rebecca turns away from everyone.

(Crew and Y/n): Awwwwwww.

(Rebecca): SHUT UP!

Everyone starts laughing at rebecca which makes her huff.

(Y/n): Alright everyone thats enough for now we shall wait for shantae until we leave so until then get ready to leave.

(Crew): Yes captain!

The crew gets things ready while you notice risky's ship come over to the dock.

(Y/n): I wonder what she wants?

Risky's ship stops at the docks with risky jumping down from her ship and heads up to yours by grappling up to the deck of your ship.

(Y/n): Hello there.

(Risky Boots): Hi.

(Y/n): So what brings you here?

(Risky Boots): Well you remember when I said I will think of something to thank you.

(Y/n): Yes.

(Risky Boots): Well after seeing your skill in combat and seeing that your crew is quite strong I want to ask you something.

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