Chapter 4: Small Problem

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You and your crew watch as the large marine ship slowly approaches your ship.


(Rebecca): Come on we should fire of them now!

(Y/n): Not yet if they don't mean any harm to us we won't attack but if they fire on us THEN we can fire at them.

(Rebecca): Tsk.....

(Selena):  It does not look to be turning to fire it's cannons.

you and your crew watch the ship until suddenly it slowly starts to turn as it gets close to your ship.

(Rebecca): Captain it's turning!

(Y/n): I can see that Rebecca!

The marine ship fully turns to it's side making you and your crew ready themselves for the worse.

(Marine Captain): FIRE THE CANNONS!

(Y/n): Huh?

Suddenly marine ship fires 4 large cannon balls right at your ship.

(Selena): Crap!

(Y/n): No you don't!

You quickly point your gun and fire your powerful bullets at the cannonball making them exploded.

(Marine Captain): What!

(Rebecca): Holy shit what is in those things....

(Y/n): Seems they don't want to do things peacefully (you point your sword at the marine ship) FIRE ON THAT SHIP!

(Rebecca): Oh yeah!

Rebecca fires the first cannonball at the marine ship which hits it causing a big explosion knocking the marine ship over to it's side a little.

(Marine Captain): AHHH!

(Y/n): Sink it!

3 more of your cannons fire at the marine ship hitting it in different area causing massive damage to it.

(Selena): 4 direct hits should sink that ship!

(Rebecca): That is what you get you morons!

(Bella): I was hoping for an actual fight but I cause not.

You all watch as the sink slowly starts to sink into the deep sea below.

(Cattleya): It is odd that there was only one ship they usually travel in a small group or at least in pairs.


You stand there thinking to yourself about if there could be another ship until your thinking was stopped by one of your crew members.


(Y/n): !?

you all turn to see another large marine ship come charging right at you.


you and your crew grab a hold on something and a few seconds later the marine ship crashes right into the crimson pearl which almost knocks your crew members off but luckily they held onto something.

(Y/n): Bastards!

(Bella): Rats!


(Selena): Everyone get ready they could be going to jump onto our ship!

Your crew get out their swords and guns ready for the marines and soon enough marines start to jump down from their large ship and land on the deck of your ship.

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