Chapter 39: Fishman Encounter

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The crimson pearl slowly makes it's way to the island but as the island gets more and more into view but as the ship gets very close to the island a loud boom is heard and the ship suddenly comes to a stop.

(Y/n): What!

(Luffy): What was that?

(Bella): Did we hit something?

(Rebecca): We must of but what could of stopped the ship?

(Yosaku): Oh no, it might of being the fishmen!

(Y/n): Huh?

Just as you look at yosaku in confusion, something shoots up from the ocean and lands right on the front of the ship.

(????): Well well, what do we have here?

Everyone looks over to see a very weird looking person.

(????): I take it your a bunch of pirates wanting to raid this place

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(????): I take it your a bunch of pirates wanting to raid this place.

(Y/n): Who the hell are you?

(????): My name is chew and I am a member of the arlong pirates.


(Chew): Who?

(Luffy): Zoro, usopp and nami! where are they!

(Chew): Oh those three, well as of right now nami is now working for us and the man you call usopp is probably getting tortured and as for this "zoro" I don't know where he is.

(Luffy): What do you mean nami works for you now!? someone like her would never work with people like you!

(Chew): HAHAHAHA! then you clearly don't know what kind of person nami is!

(Yosaku): Bastard!

Yosaku takes out his weapon and points it at chew who simply smirks.

(Chew): Do you really think a puny human like you can even hope to defeat me?

(Yosaku): I won't know until I try!

Before yosaku could attack the fishman known as chew a hand is placed onto his left shoulder which makes yosaku stop and look to see you.

(Yosaku): Y/n?

(Chew): Hm?

(Y/n): I can understand your hatred for them yosaku but I can tell if you were to attack him then you would die in an instant.

(Yosaku): Wha?

(Chew): Oh? so you can how strong I am from just looking?

(Y/n): Sort of and from the looks of it, you would not even be worth my time.

(Chew): What!? You dare talk down to me human!

(Y/n): Oh I dare (smirks)

You stare at chew with a cocky grin while the odd looking fishman's anger grow but he quickly gets a hold of himself and smiles as well.

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