Chapter 47: Talking to bell-mere

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It has been an hour since you brought bell-mere back to the villagers and it did not take long for them to quickly get her help with nami arriving not long after. You, luffy and your crew mates all sat down in a small bar in the village to celebrate your victory with bella and cattleya arm wrestling, risky getting drunk a little too fast as shantae makes sure she does not do anything stupid, selena and makino arrive in town with other members of your crew to relax as well while you sit with luffy and his crew.

(Y/n): Good to see everything is back to normal.

(Luffy): Yeah, I hope nami and nojiko are doing okay.

(Y/n): I am sure they are doing fine since we brought their mother back in time.

You take a drink while ussop starts looking at your strange sword.

(Usopp): That's a weird sword you got, where did you get it?

(Y/n): I got it on an island I was stuck on for a while.

(Usopp): think you got something like that just laying around.

(Y/n): I don't know the full details of it of course but I can tell it is a very powerful weapon.

(Yosaku): How powerful is it?

(Y/n): Hmmmmm, I am not sure of the sword's full power since I have not used it to it's fullest capacity yet.

(Luffy): You didn't go all out on zara?

(Y/n): I was trying to reason with her not kill her.

(Usopp): Who is zara?

(Y/n): She is a childhood friend of mine that is quite a lunatic thanks to me saving her from bandits.

(Zoro): Why did you saving her suddenly make her crazy?

(Y/n): After seeing the condition she was in I lost it, brutally killed the bandits and for some reason the why I killed them made her change into such a crazy person.

(Usopp): She is a pirate?

(Y/n): She is a marine (looks at luffy) I would hope that you learned your lesson from the last encounter with her and make sure to stay out of her way.

(Luffy): Hehe, Yeah I will make sure to stay clear from her.

(Zoro): She is that dangerous?

(Y/n): She is better than me when it comes to using a sword and....

You point at your left eye.

(Y/n): She is the one who gave me this wound although it happened because I got in the way of her swing to protect one of my crew mates. 

(Usopp): Good thing I didn't encounter her......

(Y/n): When you see a massive marine ship I would recommend being cautious.

(Usopp): Noted.....

(Johhny): Say out of all the members of your crew, who does what in your crew?

(Y/n): Ummmm......I would say bella's job is sort of being the main heavy hitter, cattleya is the blacksmith who fixes up weapons or makes them for the crew and fixes any damage to the ship, rebecca is our lookout, selena at the current moment does not have a job, risky and shantae pretty much do whatever they want at the minute and makino works at a bar on the ship.

(Zoro): Who cooks?

(Y/n): We all cook our own food that we catch.

(Usopp): Do you not have a navigator?

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