Chapter 58: Saving Luffy........Again

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(Y/n): Dammit, dammit, dammit! Why can that brother of mine stay out of trouble!?

You continue to run at top speed as zara starts to catch up.

(Zara): Y/n wait up!

(Y/n): Zara please tell me where the execution platform is!

(Zara): The platform is in the middle of the town but It would be best to get onto something high to see it better!

(Y/n): Got it!

You run over to a tall building and start jumping up it and the moment you get to the top, you quickly look around.

(Y/n): Come on, come on!

You keep looking until you see an opening in the middle of the town where you quickly notice a tall metal structure in the middle.

(Y/n): That has to be it-

You stop talking the moment you see luffy on the platform with a strange clown looking man holding him down with a sword raised high and at that moment you whole world goes black with the only thing you can see is luffy and that man.


You press your legs against the building you are on with enough pressure for veins to appear on your legs and with one big jump you shoot right towards luffy and clown man.

(Clown): So long straw hat!

(Luffy): Sorry everyone, I'm done for!

(Zoro): You idiot!

(Sanji): Don't say that!


As you head towards luffy with your right arm stretched out, you don't notice luffy's crew fighting pirates fighting a large number of pirates below you as smoker and his marines are waiting for the right moment to strike.


The clown brings the blade right down onto luffy as your eyes begin to widen in pure shock until a massive thunderbolt comes crashing down onto luffy's locations and sets the top half of the platform ablaze.

(Y/n): !

The momentum from your jump starts to go away as you slowly fall down onto the town square and land just in front of the platform.

(Y/n): No!

You jump up to the stop of the platform, dive into the fire and you immediately notice that luffy is out cold and burning up so you quickly get luffy out of his chains and jump right off of the platform as it slowly starts to fall to the side with the clown still on top of it.

You place luffy gently on the ground and start shaking him abit.

(Y/n): Luffy! Are you alright!?

You keep shaking him abit until luffy jumps up and gets to his feet.

(Luffy): Hahaha! I am alive!

Everyone in the town square stands there shock as the only thing people could hear is the sounds of the rain hitting the ground.


(Luffy): Hm?

The moment luffy turns to face you, you deliver a hard punch to his face which knocks him flying a little bit until he lands on the ground face-first.


Luffy quickly shoots up and turns to face you with an angry look and ready to start an argument but it was cut short as smoker and his marines start their attack.

Crimson Pearl - Second Son of Gold D Roger X Female One Piece Ladiesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن