Chapter 31: Leaving reven and strange encounter

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It is now the following morning after the retaking of reven and still you feel abit angered at yourself for failing to return the kids back to their parents but you decided to not let it get to you too much. You had a talk with the remaining villagers of reven and told them the best choice would be to leave since there could be more bandits that still have not arrived to which the villagers happily agreed and decided to use the ships the bandits left but of course they made some changes to the ships since having skulls on the side of your ship would not be a wise choice.

You helped them with painting the ship and making sure to arm the villagers with gun, swords and just about anything that is sharp and train them how to use them correctly in case they get attacked while out on the sea. It took quite a few hours until there ships were painted and they got used to using weapons and they all went up to the ships and started to get ready to take off until one of them shouted something from the deck of one of the ships.

(Male Villager): Wait we are missing two people!

(Y/n): Hm?

(Selena): Who are  missing!

(Male Villager): Simon and mia are not on either of the ships!

(Y/n): What!

(Simon): We are here!

Your eyes widen as you hear simon's voice from behind you which makes you turn around to see both him and mia coming up onto the deck of your ship.

(Y/n): What are you two doing here? you should be on one of those ships.

Both simon and mia look a little sad as they run up to you and wrap their arms around you in a big hug which makes your eyes widen. You notice that both of them start to tear up as they tighten their grip around you.

(Simon): W-We don't want to see you go!

(Mia): If it was not for you and your crew then everyone would of suffered for who knows how long!

You have a small smile on your face as you pat their heads which makes them look up at you.

(Y/n): You two have suffered enough at the hands of bandits......

You back away a little and get down onto one knee in front of them.

(Y/n): You should be safe if you went with the rest of the people of reven and make sure to stay in this sea since it is known as the weakest so threat levels will be very low.

(Simon): Can we really not go with you?

(Y/n): No you can't for we are pirates and while we are alot nicer compared to actual pirates we are still pirates so people will be after us and since I am a son of gold d roger..............things will get much worse.

The two kids look at you in silence as you bring them in for a hug which surprises them. 

(Y/n): But don't think we will never see each other again for a pirate likes to explore so and I am sure we will meet again someday.

The two kids make a big smile and return the hug and the three of you hug for a good minute until you notice bella coming up to the deck of the ship and seeing the three of you hugging.

(Bella): I see your leaving.

Simon and mia let go of you and turn around to face bella who is standing there with her arms crossed.

(Simon): Y-Yeah (sniffs) but it is for our own good.

(Bella): Exactly it is a dangerous world out there.

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