Chapter 61: Calm Belt

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You, luffy and yours crews managed to get away from loguetown and while the storm was a problem, it eventually started to calm down as you head down into the ship to check up on rebecca who is now lying down on a bed with bandages around her wound as shantae and makino is sitting just next to her.

(Y/n): Is she going to be alright?

(Makino): I think so, we managed to get the bullet out and it appears that it did not go through any vital areas but only time will tell when she wakes up.

(Y/n): Thank you, I thought for a moment that we lost her........

(Makino): She is quite a touch girl to survive something like this but at least the worst is over.

(Shantae): For now she just needs some rest so it would be best if we gave her some time.

(Y/n): Alright.

You turn around and head out with shantae and makino following close behind you but while you walk, shantae notices the not so happy look on your face.

(Shantae): You don't have to blame yourself for what happened to her you know........

(Y/n): I know........but as a captain I am tasked with keeping my crew safe and I.......just couldn't do that for her.

Before you could say anymore, makino runs up until she is in front of you and wraps her arms around you which takes you by surprise.

(Makino): I want no more of that, she is alright now and just needs rest. I am sure rebecca won't blame you at all for what happened.


(Shantae): I am sure the moment she wakes up she will be back to normal and loud self......wait what is she like when she is drunk?

(Makino): You don't want to know.

(Shantae): Oh but I do.

A little smile appears on your face as you gently pull makino away.

(Y/n): Make sure to give her a drink after she wakes, she needs it.

(Makino): Alright but it won't be too much this time.

(Y/n): Shantae you make sure she does it.

(Shantae): You got it!

Just as you were about to head up to the deck, bella is waiting for you at the top with a look that gives off something is wrong.

(Y/n): What's up?

(Bella): We may have a serious problem.

(Y/n): Which is?

(Bella): Come up and you will see.

You do just that and look around to see nothing.

(Y/n): Um, I don't see anything.

(Bella): Look at the sea.

You head over to the side of your ship and look down to notice that the ocean is.........not moving?

(Y/n): That's odd.......the sea is not moving.

(Bella): The ship has stopped moving as well and luffy's ship is having the same problems as well.

You continue to look at the still ocean in confusion until you can hear luffy shouting up at you.

(Luffy): Y/n!

(Y/n): What is it brother?

(Luffy): Nami said we are something called the calm belt!

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