Chapter 5: Dawn Island

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On a peaceful and sunny day a lone fisherman was trying to catch some fish when he looks up and see a large ship far in the distance.

(Fisherman): What the?

The fisherman stands up and grabs his telescope.

(Fisherman): Please don't let it be.........

He looks off into the distance with his telescope and to his horror the ship heading his a pirate ship.

(Fisherman): N-No!

He takes off and heads into the town screaming his head off.

(Fisherman): PIRATES!

(Villager): What!

(Shop owner): What are you talking about you crazy fool!

(Fisherman): Look! far off in the sea a large ship is heading this way!

The shop own grabs the fisherman's telescope and looks off in the direction the ship is.

(Shop owner):................Are you sure it is a pirate ship?

(Fisherman): Positive!

(Shop owner): Wait I can see someone on it.

(Villager): Who do you see?

(Shop owner): No way.......

(Fisherman): What? Who is it!?

(Shop owner): Hahahaha.......HAHAHAHAHAHHA IT'S Y/N!

(Fisherman): WHAT!

(Villager): YOUR KIDDING!

Meanwhile on the crimson pearl you are standing on the front part of your ship looking out at your home.

(Y/n): It has been so long I wonder how makino is doing?

(Rebecca): Who is that?

(Y/n): She is someone who mainly raised me while my brothers were raised by a person named dadan.

(Crew): You had brothers!

(Selena): Oh yeah you ever told the rest of them about your brothers (giggles)

(Y/n): I will tell you about them later for now you get supplies from the village however make sure you buy it and not steal it.

(Rebecca): (whispers) Dammit.....

(Y/n): What was that?

(Rebecca): Noting!

You give rebecca a smirk as you turn back around to look at your home.

(Y/n): Alright people get ready to dock!

(Crew): Aye Captain!

As the girls get everything ready you notice a big group of people by the docks cheering.

(Y/n): (smiles) Damn and I wanted to surprise them....ah well.

Meanwhile back on the dock.



(Villagers): Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!

Soon enough the ship slowly docks and before one of the girls could put down the steps you run over to the edge of the ship and jump off it and land with right in front of the crowd.

(Selena): (giggles) He ready did miss this place.

You stand fully up and look at the crowd cheering your name as you smile with tears coming down your face.

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