Chapter 22: Distraction

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(Bandit 1): K-KILL HIM!

A couple of very tall bandits come running up from behind the bandit and go in for a strong swing with their spiked clubs at you but you counter their attacks with on of your own with your sword slicing not only the clubs but the tall bandits clean in half.

(Bandit 2): HOLY SHIT!

You leap forward and start to cut your way through the bandits with some of them trying to get in a swing but are too slow and get sliced in the process.

(Bandit 3): I HAVE YOU NOW!

You turn to see a bandit pointing a gun mere inches from your face but as he fires the gun you easily dodge the bullet using haki so instead of the bullet hitting you it hits another bandit in the stomach.

(Bandit 4): AGH!

(Bandit 3): WHA-

You swing your sword across his neck, cut his head clean off and continue with your job.

(Bandit 5): For crying out loud boys he is just one man!

The bandit pulls out a gun and points it at you.

(Bandit 5): Attack him all at once!

(Bandits): RIGHT!

They all charge at you from all sides with their swords, axes and clubs raised high.

(Sellena): CAPTAIN!

Suddenly your sword starts to glow again which makes you look at it and just before the bandits could finish you off you point the sword upward and lighting shoots everywhere and hits the large group of bandits that were attacking and kills them instantly.

(Rebecca): Holy shit!


You slowly walk over to the bandit while he panics and aims his gun at you.


He fires his gun at you but just before the bullet hits your head you swing your sword at insane speeds and hits the bullet with the flat point of your sword making the bullet fly back at the bandit and hit him square in the head.


Meanwhile your crew is looking at you in complete shock.

(Selena): Amazing......

Everyone looking at the action nods in agreement.

(Rebecca): Okay after all this is over i'm asking him out.

(Crew): WHAT!?

(Rebecca): What? he just pinged a bullet back at a guy and you think I will not ask him out?

Meanwhile back with you as you look back up at your crew.

(Y/n): Alright you lot get moving!

Everyone looks back down at you and nods.

(Selena): Okay! (looks at the rest of the crew) let's go!


The crew starts to jump off and land on the dock but when bella goes to jump off....

(Mia): Bella wait!

(Bella): Hm?

She turns to see simon and mia run up to her.

(Bella): What is it?

(Mia): Can we help you find the arena?

(Bella): Are you sure? this could be very dangerous.

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