"DeJa you so fucking dramatic, I told you I don't even know who she is I just happened to be drunk and she happened to be next to me, I don't know what else I should tell you DeJa, I fucking love you with all my damn heart and I can't loose you to some bullshit I did whiles I was drunk, and you know I love you and I will continue to love you as long as I can" He started to sniffle and that was where I knew he was being serious.

"Jacquees" I tried not to breakdown myself seeing him break down. I got up and went to console him. Damn he really do love me

"I just want to be perfect for you DeJa I really want to" I kissed all in his neck.

"I love you baby, this was just a phase we gonna get through it" He turned to me hugging me right

"Love you too DeJa," He kissed me and to my surprise I didn't taste no liquor or nothing. Considering he dependent on liquor.


"I honestly do think though, I wouldn't mind televising it but I may have to speak to my fiancé about it, it's just a really big step" Jacquees was on the phone with some business people and honestly it sounded like a big opportunity that he was discussing. If his dumbass would ever put his calls on speaker.

We been in the room chilling with the twins since I got home. Laziness take over at times.

"We have five kids, and I don't really know how it's finna work having to balance all that shit out if were being honest, but I do like the idea"

"I don't know if we gonna have any more kids so I can't guarantee that type of stuff," No more kids , five is enough for us. Niggas can barely take care of themselves out hea'

"If we wanna talk about who busy the most is probably me, DeJa work at night but again I am free to manipulate my schedule" That's really all I can do because I take care of the kids during the day.

"Alright boss, we'll talk about it later" He hung up the phone just like that.

"What was that about?" I asked him

"They want to televise our wedding, before it and after it too"

"Babe, cmon you really think we could handle all them cameras in our face? Like truly?" I know we may not be able too because we reckless, dramatic, and attached to each other.

"It's a good opportunity for us to build our brand and our names though DeJa I truly think we could do it" He picked both the twins up from the bed

"Where you taking them?" I asked a little confused it's a little early for the  to be going to bed

"I'm taking them up to Nay room, we got business to handle" He smirked. Just like that I knew he was finna come get some of this pussy.

He walked out the room leaving me by myself.

Our door busted wide open and it was his mom. Again. This old shawty really needs to knock bro.

We grown as fuck so we ain't even move

"Jacquees," His mom cleared her throat

"Yeah I'll be out," He waved her off

Our Love Story |Dej Loaf and Jacquees| Where stories live. Discover now