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A week later

"It's okay mama, let it all out" I rubbed Dejas back as she kneeled over the toilet.

Pregnancy is really hitting my girl hard. She throwing up all the time, her face swollen, she can act real stank sometimes. Hm, ion know how I'm dealing with this

She threw up again holding on to me tight. Clear tears rolled out of her eyes as she let out a breath of relief

"I think I'm okay, thanks babe" She flushed the toilet before getting up and washing her hands

"You sure your okay? You don't want nothing to eat?" I asked her washing my hands also

"I really really want a burger" She sighed opening the bathroom door

I looked at her a little disappointed. We made a deal that she would be healthy during her pregnancy, just to benefit the baby inside her. I done watched some real brutal pregnancies on tv, lemme tell you it wasn't cute.

"Deja what you gonna eat, is egg whites and tapoica pancakes, come on now it's breakfast I'm late for work baby just eat what's here"

"I want a burger though" She started crying. See I expected like woman to be all emotional during pregnancy..but at the same time I cant see her crying especially over a burger. It's like she was so bipolar nowadays. My black ass don't even know how to deal with it.

"Deja stop crying I'll go get you a burger on my way back" I sighed

She didn't even look at me before leaving the bathroom.

I'm real late for my meeting but I know damn well if I don't get her that burger now. She not gonna eat at all. That should be the last thing she gonna be doing

I left out the bathroom to Deja putting on shoes

"Deja come with me, we gonna buy the burger and I'll drop you off at home, aight?" She nodded getting up to follow me


"Deja you gotta go back home I'm late for work baby" She was really giving me a difficult time today, I don't know if it's on purpose or what.

"I don't wanna go" She whined

"Deja you have to stop and go inside I can't take you to work like this" Now she was pissing me off

"Whatever you don't love me" She cried storming out the car.

The struggles of living with a pregnant girl.


"Nigga you two hours late!" My manager yelled in my face

I looked down playing with my fingers

"A grown man like you, late to one of the most important meetings of your career" If only he really knew why I was late.

"Shit is unbelievable, now you and your album have been suspended, is that what you want ? Huh" I think my whole world stopped for a minute

"Wait what? They can't do that they don't understand the whole story" I was on the verge of crying my debut album meams so much to me.

"Que they don't care, at all. You know your label and you now how strict they are" This day has been one of the worst in my life.


"You do nothing for me" She cried. Dej is still being over emotional about things and it's honestly its stressing me out even more.

Today hasnt been a good day at all.

"Dej honestly just chill out, go to sleep or something baby because your going crazy" I sighed, she frowned and had a fit. In which she began to cry, but hit me for no reason

"I hate you son of a bi--"

"DEJA CHILL THE FUCK OUT" I yelled cutting her off

"Going way to damn far, enough has happened" I got up storming out of the room.

She is the reason I was late, me being late lead into the label suspending me and my music. Coming home to that nonsense makes everything worse

"Are you okay step daddy" Kamoni said softly as she approached me

"Im going through it baby, I'm loosing my mind" I sighed

"Well whats wrong?"

"I got suspended"

"From school? You got 'dispended? I ain't know you go to school" This little ten year old girl knows how to make me smile

"You make me laugh baby" I laughed "My label suspended me and my music"

She gasped "Im sorry, it shouldn't of happened, everything will get better" She hugged me

"Thank you baby, you need anything?"

"Uhm no, I'm about to take a nap the yougin' be tired" She yawned

"Alright mama, you sleep well for me" I kissed her forehead before she went off into her new room.

That little girl brings joy to my soul. She's such an amazing person to live with.

I took a risk and walked back into my room.

She was lying in bed on her phone.

"You good now?" I asked her daringly

"I been good," She smiled

"Quit allat' lying you was in here calling me the son of a bitch and allat' nasty junk"

"I'm sorry"

"It's cool babe, but uhm' you kinda caused something that I don't know if I can control" I sighed rubbing my forehead

"What happened?" She asked putting her phone down

"Today was a very important meeting day for me, and uhm..I was late of course and uhm the label suspended me, me and my album"

"Your lying.." She frowned

"I wish I was lying" I sighed in frustration

"I'm so sorry, come here" She beckoned for me to come and join her in bed

I went over cuddling with her, I missed being able to bond with Deja, we've been getting a lot of crazy pregnant girl action lately.

"I'm sorry," She kissed me

"It's okay mama, God does everything for a reason" I solely believe that God chooses what and when things happen.

"Just know Deja, I'm not leaving your side"

"I love you so much" She whispered sweetly

"I love you too" I kissed her forehead.


"Tell me, how is that fun? Tell me, what keeps you goin'? I just wanna know, fuck it, I'mma move on"
                                    - DeJ Loaf



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