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He unlocked the hotel room with the card, walking in I was in utter shock.

He unlocked the hotel room with the card, walking in I was in utter shock

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"No you didn't" I covered my hand with my mouth as he closed the door

"This for you babygirl" He rolled our luggage against the wall

I took my shoes off and put them against the wall as he followed suit.

"This is crazy" I mumbled, I didn't wanna walk down the path in fear of messing it up.

"Tonight, we resting tommorow we doing sum' chill I think you gonna like it" He licked his lips.

"Thank you so much" I turned around kissing him.

"You welcome, let's go take a bath" My heart dropped. I've never took a shower or bath with anybody I've dated because of my insecurities. I began to feel nervous.

Wondering what he could possibly want to do; I just waved him off going into the bathroom.

Dropping all my clothes I looked in the mirror admiring my shape, as he stripped naked also. Pregnant and still got a body.

"You sexy" He smacked my butt biting his lip.

"Look atchu' you fucking sexy too" I ran my hand down his stomach till I reached his baby maker.

Once he felt my touch, it perked up almost instantly.

I crouched down to its level.

"Mm, you long" I gave him a few cat licks

I stood back up smirking.

"Stop allat' teasing" He groaned.

I bent over getting the bath tub water ready, being interrupted by Rodri inserting himself into me without any warning.

"Shit!" I moaned

"Mhm,don't tease me next time" He thrust sped up as I held on to the edge of the tub.

"Bae..you..gotta..chill" i couldn't even make out any words

"Fuck" He pulled out of me

"We supposed to be in the bath, and you over here getting kinky and shit" I looked at him regaining his breath before I stepped into the bath

He stepped in occupying the other side of the bath.

He pressed one button and the whole tub illuminated a soft yellow.

Our Love Story |Dej Loaf and Jacquees| Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ