From Sensei To Sensei

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"So...I always see you with a book," Saitama began when he felt like he was getting to know more about [Y/N]'s first sensei. They were sitting on spiny chairs across from each other at [Y/N]'s house while she was still out with her friends.

As for Genos, he left earlier to find dinner for his girlfriend and Master. Kakashi's back faced the main entrance of the door. "What's it about? Because I always love to read Manga."

Kakashi blinks before hesitantly pulling it out of his pocket. "Well," Kakashi coughs, holding it before handing it to Saitama as he thought they've known each other pretty close now.

"Icha Icha Paradise?" Saitama reads the title.

"It's my favorite, and I always like to read it when I feel like it," Kakashi explains without embarrasment as Saitama flips through the pages. "An adult book written by one of my friends--Jiraiya."

"oH." Saitama pauses shocked as he stops to read a page. "And you read this when you were around your students?"

"Hai," Kakashi casually replies, "none of them weren't even as curious. They only wondered but [Y/N] took it too another level, and she eventually caught what I was reading."

"How did she..." Saitama actually continues reading suddenly intrigued, "...react?"

"She scolded at me--it was funny--but she learned to live with my pervertish ways," Kakashi chuckles softly.

"Wow..." Saitama directs toward the book.

"What part are you on?"

"'He picks her up and slams her against the wall'...." Saitama read before looking up casually. "I don't personally like...such of that action, but this is actually good. Your Jiraiya friend is a writer!"

"Yeah," Kakashi laughs, "and how 'bout you?"

"Hm? Whaddya mean?" Saitama asks, flipping to the next page, his eyes widening a little with more interest.

"Did you ever do anything...wrong toward [Y/N]?" Kakashi asks. "You certainly have, right?"

Saitama paused, looking up at him. "...what?"

"We can all admit [Y/N] is pretty....irresistable and beddable," Kakashi leans in closer.

Saitama blinked a couple of times in disbelief of what he just said. "...n-nAnI?"

"You'd smash?--is what I'm asking," Kakashi raises an eyebrow. "I'm sure you already have."

"N-No," Saitama narrows his eyebrows a little, becoming offended. "No, I have not..and I'm not planning too. And she's with Genos...what are we even talking about?"

"You are her sensei, correct?" Kakashi blinks, "you're saying you've never...done anything? Anything at all?"

"N-No..why are you assuming?" Saitama sweats from how uncomfortable the conversation got. He then blinks in realization. ""

"Hai, I did do some things," Kakashi admits casually, "but I have no means to take her virginity. That's why I'm asking if you did. I'm not going to kill you or anything. I just wanna know."

"N-No," Saitama sweats, "The only closest I've felt was...having small feelings for her, but-but she's with Genos now, so I'm just like--eh--*shrugs*."

"I see..." Kakashi holds his chin.

"Oh, Kakashi, wasn't she just very young and you very old?" Saitama gulps nervously.

"I wouldn't say very old, but....hai, older," Kakashi tells him.

"What...did you do?" Saitama blinks down at the book that sat before him.

"Just almost every scene in there," Kakashi smirks, small blush by his cheeks. "Just except without the actual sex parts."

"And you aren't...ashamed?" Saitama stares at him shocked.

"Not really," Kakashi looks at him, "she liked me, and I tried refusing to admit I like her too. Like I said, she's very tempting. I'm surprised you've only barely started having feelings for her. I'm sure she lived with you for quite a while."

"I...I guess I just didn't take the time to look at her and realize what I was feeling," Saitama thinks, "I thought we were just best friends. That's why I felt so close to her..."

"Trust me, it hits everyone when they've been getting closer and closer to someone like [Y/N]," Kakashi says. "Don't be afraid to deny it. It's not gonna work."

"But she has Genos," Saitama says again, "And what is your point? Do you still like her?"

"Not quite," Kakashi says, "I'm just giving you some pointer tips."

"Nani?" Saitama crosses his eyebrows in disgust.

"You never know," Kakashi shrugs, "you two are the closest friends right? She can tell you anything that pops in her head. What if something happens and she gets horny all of a sudden? Are you going to do something she didn't ask for? If anything, are you going to be the one to suggest something?"

"No, I would never," Saitama glares.

Just then, the door opens, and it's [Y/N]. "Oh, Senseis?" She smiles as she takes off her shoes. Kakashi continues staring at Saitama for a better answer, and Saitama just swallows nervously.

"What I'm trying to tell you is be careful what you're feeling. You'll even get thoughts you never thought you'd think. If you do do something, she can only stay frozen, taken aback, because she doesn't know how to react," Kakashi whispers before getting up.

"Oh, and keep the book if you'd like. I have another copy, anyway." Kakashi says and turns around to face [Y/N] who immediately hugged him.

"Hello, Kakashi Sensei!" She greeted happily.

"Hey, Kiddo, I was just leaving," Kakashi pats her head, glimpsing a look at Saitama.

"Oh ok, hope you had a fun talk with Sensei Saitama. You guys are getting pretty close too. Aw my Sensei'sare friends," she lets go before greeting her other sensei by throwing herself on his back, trying to choke him playfully. "Oh, hello, Sensei Sai!" She greeted.

Saitama quickly hid the book before looking up at Kakashi who just vanished. Saitama felt [Y/N]'s legs wrap around his waist.

Remembering part of the book and Kakashi's talk, he blushed instantly before trying to remove her arms around his neck. "[Y-Y/N]! Q-Quit it!" He cried.

"Oi, what's for dinner?" She jumped off him before sitting on the counter.

Saitama stared at her swinging legs. "G-Genos...he uh went out earlier to get us some."

"Oh ok!" [Y/N] said, taking out her video game, "wonder what we're eating."

"H-Hai..." Saitama blinks as his eyes trail up from her legs to her waist. "Me....too." He then immediately shake his thoughts. "I'll...I'll be in my room. Tell me when Genos gets here. And KNOCK!"

"Hai!" She yelled as he left.

Tch, thanks to Kakashi, I'll never stop thinking, Saitama slaps himself.


Well, I know updating this much is not enough to fill in this week, but from this chapter, I won't update in a while since I have started these already stressful class.

But while I take breaks, I'll be writing. It's just going to take a while for the next few updates. Thank you! :)

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