Bang's Dojo

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Your POV:

Blue potential rose and disappeared as Bang did his Fist Flowing Crushing Rock-whatever-it-was-called technique.

His arms dropped to his sides. "It goes something like that," he says. "Want to try? You three look like quick learners. I bet you'll get the hang of it in no time."

"This is the cool thing you said you wanted to show us? A sales pitch?" Sensei asked, unimpressed.

"Sensei," I shoot him a look, indicating rudeness.

I sat crisscrossed between Sensei--who was on my left--and Genos on my right. It's been a week that I've already gotten used to wearing my hero suit in the public more often like Sensei.

I mentally sigh. I don't even know why we're here. I guess Bang thought we all became friends after one meet up against that meteor and thought it would be nice to invite us over his dojo.

It was an honor and all, but I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Genos here could learn new techniques and Sensei is recognized because of his one punch.

I'm basically left out....well, at least Bang's student didn't leave me out as his eyes wouldn't leave from me that is.

In the corner of my eye, I would sometimes see Genos doing a doubletake from him to me.

"I'll pass," Sensei then turns to me, "[Y/N], you do it. I mean, it should be easy for a person with similar martial arts like you, right?"

"Huh?" I nervously laugh, rubbing the back of my neck.

I need complete concentration for something like that. With Genos and that weird student in the room, I'll easily get distracted.

"Nah, I think I'll pass. Ne, Genos, how about you do it?"

"No," Genos turns it down too, "I will pass too. What I seek is not the art of self-defense but absolute destructive power."

"You punks!" His student yells, and I flinch at the sudden voice.

He makes eye contact with me and immediately shuts his mouth, red clouds starting to form around his cheeks. "N-not you of course, M-Miss P-Skillz," he corrects.

"Please, everyone feel free to call me [Y/N]," I say, "P-Skillz is when I'm fighting trouble."

"H-Hai!" The orange-haired student bows hard, and I can't help but to silently laugh sympathetically.

He rose back up, raising fists. "You dare mock our fighting style?!"

"I, Charanko, the top disciple," he starts as he started coming at us, raising a fist, "challenge you--"

He was immediately cut off as soon as Genos grabbed his neck; Charanko's eyes turn shocked as he wasn't prepared.

"I give up!" Charanko regretted, calming down.

I blink as Genos dropped the student. "Is he really your best?" Genos asked Bang and reading my mind.

"Yeah," Bang nodded.

"I heard your dojo was full of skilled fighters," Genos states.

"Well," Bang's gaze turned away, "One of my disciples turned wild. He beat most skilled students so badly they're all out of commission. The rest got scared and quit."

Sensei was suddenly intrigued as he stood up next to Genos. "He's that strong? What's his name?"

"Garo..." Bang replied, "he was my top disciple at the time, but I gave him a good beating and expelled him."

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