[Y/N]'s Backstory

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Your POV:

The group was Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, Genos, Sensei, Kakashi, and Iruka as they gathered to listen to whatever happened to me.

"I can't say much but..." I start, staring down at my fidgeting hands. I wanted to be careful with my words. Saying I'm a ghoul and eat people is a big no.


"Now, where could Kakashi Sensei be?" I whispered to myself. I was perched on a tree, blending with the leaves, searching for my sensei from above.

We were playing a "ninja version" of Hide-and-Seek or Tag in a forest. The teacher will count with closed eyes while the students would hide separately. Simple right? But it turns somewhat opposite.

The teacher would look for his/her students. When the teacher finds one of them, they'd have to do a practice dual. If the teacher beats you, you're out and the hunt continues.

But if you find the teacher wondering around, you have the chance to attack him/her--hoping you can "risk your life" for the team, or just keep running and hiding till he/she crosses you to finally fight.

It was a tense game, and I loved it. Sure, a big forest will take long to find anyone or get lost, but senseis always have their ways of finding you.

Although, in this case...MY case..no.

I jumped stealthily from tree to tree. Yes, so stealthily, you couldn't even hear the rustling of moving leaves. Kakashi Sensei would always compliment me on that.

Last time, I had physically tackled him to the ground and stole his pervy book multiple times when he wouldn't pay attention to me. Boy, he hated me for it, but would always get me back since my sense in aware hearing sucks.

This time, I wanted to attack Kakashi Sensei, so I searched and searched. When I found him, my eyes glowed bright, and my smile perked in a smirk, because I knew how to get him this time.

"Hehehe, I wonder how Sensei will react when I give him Sexy Jutsu," I rubbed my hands evilly.

But before I took out my plan, I noticed a professional-looking woman four yards away. She was fairly tall and skinny, wearing a plain simple pink dress. She had pink glasses, and a blond ponytail. She looked so..pink and shiny and rich.

She seemed lost, so instead, I hopped from another tree and observed her first. She kept walking as if she knew where she was going. She didn't look like she belonged here, a city girl like her looked oddly suspicious.

I stood up on the branch, holding onto the main bark, "Are you lost, lady?" I finally speak.

"Oh goodness! Anyone there?" She spun around, a white purse swinging in an arm.

"Up here," I say and she looks up, her red lips suspiciously put into a smile, "you look like you don't belong here."

"Oh, yes, I'm not from here," she giggles. "You see, my boyfriend dragged me here, and I just wondered around when I saw a cute bunny, but as you can tell I think I'm lost."

I jump down and raised an eyebrow. "Man, what a crappy boyfriend."

"No, no," she smiles, "I think he made a wise decision."

"Why is that?" I ask, hands in my pockets. But before she could answer, I immediately throw a kunai knife at her, leaving a satisfied streak across her cheek.

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