Prediction: The Earth is in Trouble!

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As of Before...

"Right, now what's the next letter?" Atomic Samurai asks.

Your POV:

Sitch removes the previous letter and does the same with the second one.

"The earth is in trouble?!" Everyone gasps as they read.

"What? That's so dumb. The first note sounded way worse." Child Emperor scoffs. "Can I go now? I have cram school."

"I know you're a prodigy, Child Emperor," Sitch says annoyed, "but if you cannot grasp the danger, it reveals how immature you still are."


"What'd you say?!" He angrily crossed his eyebrows, half getting up in his chair.

"Listen up!" Sitch raises a hand sternly, "Shibabaw's predictions are 100% accurate! She has predicted many catastrophes in the past.

"A few of them resulted in the loss of countless lives, but not once when she used the word 'trouble.'

"More importantly, something more dangerous than a Dragon Level catastrophe or Monster is on its way, and most importantly, it will occur in the next six months!"

"Okay....but we have no idea when in the six months, " Dogman proves a point.

"Yeah, hard to plan for that." Flashy Flash agrees.

"You are correct," Sitch nods, "but I want you all to be ready for a fight in the next six months."

"In the next six months means it could be tomorrow, or even today." Sensei casually blurts out.

"T-that's true. Who are you anyway?" Sitch sweats.

Sensei turns serious with a smirk. "Good thing I'm here."

Just then, the building suddenly crashes. "The building is under attack?" Genos' eyes widen.

"That's impossible!" Darkshine cries, "this is the Hero Association HQ!

There's then another huge blast and there's a warning of "Emergency power activated!" as the lights flash red.

"What was that? What's going on out there?" Sitch growls.

"all communications have been cut off," one answers.

"Damnit..." Sitch checks table, and warning levels in red pop out. "Impossible!"

"What is it?" I gasp.

"Destruction levels at 99.896%? City A has been destroyed in an instant?" He grasps his hair.

"Who could have knew her prediction would come true this soon!"

I blink as I was stunned as he was. City A...destroyed in an instant? You mean like poof!?

"Hey, why was this building spared?" Bang asked, standing up.

"We assigned Metal Knight to construct this building," one of the association guys replied, "that's why it's stronger than the average shelter."

"So that's why there's no windows," Metal Bat comments, standing up with his bat ready over his shoulder.

"We should go outside and see," Kid Emperor suggests as Atomic Samurai had already started walking away. "To be sure it's the prophecy."

"Sensei, will you--" I pause as the chair next to me was empty. Cement crumbled from above, and I looked up to see a giant whole that Sensei had punched and left through.

"This could be God Level," I curse to myself.

A hand softly grasps one of my arms as it was Genos. "It will be okay, [Y/N]," he assured. I just nodded, and we left the room to get to the roof.

"Four Class S heroes can take care of the the enemy on the ground..." Kid Emperor states, lollipop close to his lips. "The problem is that. We can't reach it. Any aircraft would be shot down in seconds."

"King, P-Skillz, you guys are one of the top fighters in Class S, any ideas?" Darkshine looks at us. "Give us your take."

"Huh?" I immediately panic as I was suddenly put at the spot. I glanced at King, whose body was only halfway through the hole Sensei had dented.

"There's nothing I can do," the strong man replies casually. "It's way too high in the sky, there's no way to attack it.

"But the mysterious craft is currently dormant. We should use this opportunity to call in Metal Knight."

Genos then looks at me as if hearing my plan. I embarrassingly rub the back of my neck. "Y-Yeah, I kinda agree with King, here.

"Like he said, we can't attack at the lack reaching such a height. I mean, I don't know who Metal Knight is, but yeah, sure, call him in--"

"What the?! That's pathetic!" Tornado immediately exclaims. "Aren't you supposed to be the strongest man?"

She then glares at me. "And aren't you like the strongest woman. Man, more like Pathetic-Skillz!!"

Taken aback, my eyes widened insulted. Even Genos' flinched at her remark, hands rolled into fists as he glared at her.

"Hey! You're the ranked 2 in S Class! Why don't you find a way!" I growled angrily.

Darkshine went shocked when he saw Genos and I. "Yeah, but the one time you show up, we ask you to do something, and you don't!!" She yelled back.

I was about to shout something back before Genos slightly pulled me back. I looked at him as he gave back a it's-ok-don't-listen-to-her look, and it suddenly calmed me down, but all I did was sigh.

"Hey Tornado," Darkshine attempts calming her down. "If you piss King off, he'll kill you. And I don't think that's a good welcoming for P-Skillz either."

"The city's been blown away, and your just gonna give them a free hand? Unbelievable!" She continues her cries, yet King just looks at her with the same expressionless emotion, and Genos removed his hands off me.

"Well forget it! I'll take care of this myself!" She pouts with two fists as she turned into a smol Tornado.

"Uh-huh, right." I roll my eyes.

"Wait, I will go too." Genos offered. "I do not know how effective I can be, but I will attack from the ground."

She pauses with eyes wide as if staring in his soul. Her expression then immediately turns furious as she glared. "Maybe you didn't hear me. I SAID FORGET ABOUT IT!"

We all sweat as Darkshine comes behind us. "Take it easy, you guys. I understand how you feel, but if you piss her off, she'll kill you."

I look at him and laugh. "Bet."


Ima stop here for now. Stay tuned :)

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