Your Hero Ninja Suit

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(A/N): This 'chapter' is just so if you forget what you're wearing as a hero during the crucial missions.

So yep, just a refresher, or you can go back here anytime to take a look. Just putting it out there for you guys.)

My hero suit? A ninja suit that's mostly black:

» A black face mask that goes up to the nose that I sometimes use. I had stopped using it when people noticed the real me.

»The Kunochi ninja suit is a one piece "dress-like" hero costume where you put it on and you have the skirt on already.

»It's sleeveless, and the whole suit is black leather. 

»Black leather fingerless gloves.

»A red ribbon tied around the waist.

» Thin leggings and black tall leather lace up combat boots that go up to your knees. A 6 inch hidden blade underneath each foot.

» A strap around a thigh for a pistol holster and kunai pocket.

»The belt that consists of grenades, shurikens, etc can turn into a bandolier.

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