Early Bird

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Your POV:

An alarm beeped beside me, and I groaned. "Five more minutes..." But then I realized it was vacation time!

I immediately sprung up, not caring the terrible bed hair I woke up with Genos had barely woken up too as I sprint for the bathroom.

After fixing myself, I left to the kitchen to get some breakfast. The whole room low key still smells like the meals Genos had cooked all last night.

I started chomping down on a bowl of cereal as I was on my phone. Sensei had woke up too, and he walked rubbing his right eye.

"[Y/N], you would not believe the crazy dream I had because the whole apartment smelled like food," he said.

"Yeah, I'm surprised the aroma hasn't gone away. It was like Genos was some master chef in here." I laughed.

He sat down, poured the cereal and milk in his bowl, and had sliced some bananas in it too. "Where's Genos?" He asks, yawning.

Before I could answer an "I don't know", Genos came into the living room, carrying our luggage. "Just packing up the trunk," he replies.

"Oh, it's fine," I insisted, "have a seat, there's a lot of time for that later."

"Do not worry, we could be extra early as well. Packing is an easy task, and I am very excited to get on the road," he smiles.

"Oh..okay, thanks," Sensei said with a spoonful of cereal in his mouth, scratching the back of his neck.

And with that, Genos leaves out the door to drop them in the trunk...or back..."Hey, Sensei, to kinda think of it, do you know what car Genos rented?"

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