Strollin Around With Genos

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Your POV:

I woke up with a minor headache from last night's drinking, but I just shrugged it off.

"Senseiiii..." I wined, rubbing an eye as I walked into the living room. "Oh, morning Genos."

"Good morning, [Y/N]," he greeted back, somewhat avoiding my gaze.

For some reason, Sensei smiled at me when he noticed me. "Ne, what happened last night?" I continued.

"You just passed out as always after too many drinks," he vaguely explained.

"And why are you smiling?" I ask, yawning.

"'Cause you're still wearing my hoodie." He says.

"Oh, shoot...I forgot, sorry," I apologized. "It's probably all drenched with my perfume."

"It's all right," he smiles.

Okay, Sensei's acting weird for the past few days. Wonder what's up with him?

"Mmm, okay," I groan tiredly.

"Guess you need that hangover cure," Sensei says.

"Nah, I think I'm good, don't worry." I tiredly shake my head.

"Well, if you say so," he shrugs. "So, how are you doing? You know...ever since..."

"A-okay! Thank you again, Sensei!" I give him a lazy thumbs up, yet my voice sounded loud and enthusiastic.

He smiles again with a little chuckle following afterward, and I went back to my room and fixed myself. I stood by my bed on my phone until it slipped out of my hands.

I groan at my clumsiness and dropped to the floor, scouting my phone under my bed.

It was then when I felt something book-like. What the? I never put my precious Mangas under my bed. They're too special.

I grabbed the soft covered Manga and pulled it out. "The Adventures of P-Skillz and Genos....." I read with a sweat.

What was that doing there? I don't remember putting that there....Actually, I don't even remember removing it from my backpack!

I immediately found the other smut there too and immediately hid it. I then curse as I saw my backpack opened, hanging on the front headboard from last night.

Did I open my backpack or did one of the two did? Ah shit, who saw it???

I then walked out of the room. Everything was going its casual routine. It seemed like no one knew I had those books.

That's a relief.

Time Skip to Three Days Later:

"I'm so booooorrrreedddd!!" I complained that afternoon.

"Do you really just sit here reading Manga all day?' I turn to Sensei.

He looked up from his book and shrugged. "Yeah, I guess."

"I'm going out," I decide.

"Where will you be going? May I come with?" Genos asks, gaze rising from his notebook.

I shrug, "I think I'm just gonna walk around. See how the rebuilding of City Z has so far."

"Hai, fine by me," Genos stands up.

"Well, okay," I nod, and we slipped out of the apartment.

It was still half destroyed, but some buildings were already almost finished. "I wonder how my Café is going."

"It will probably be just fine," Genos assures.

We then stop as I saw Mimi and Hiyori standing in front of the only half built Café. "Oi!" Mimi waved at us, and we continued walking toward them.

"Woah, the Café looks great," I complimented.

"I know right! I can't wait for it to be back up and running!" Hiyori exclaims. "Yuri wants to visit again."

"Aww," I hold my heart, "how long until it's finished?"

"It'll be up in a week max," Mimi smirks proudly.

"Ooh, we should have a celebration!" Hiyori's eyes sparkle. "Like a party for it being rebuilt!"

"Sounds cool, party at my place then," Mimi points a thumb at herself.

"Yay!!" Hiyori excitedly claps.

I then saw Mimi's smug eyes land on me then to Genos and back to me. "And of course, you can bring your Class S friend here."

"Oh, hai," I nod.

"What were you guys doing anyway?" Hiyori follows Mimi's lead.

"Looking around," I shrug, trying not to show any signs of embarrassment, "see how City Z is."

"Oh, okay!" Hiyori smiles brightly.

"So, when's the party?" I ask before they come up with any other suspicious questions.

"Hmm, tomorrow at 6 pm." Mimi immediately decided.

"Huh? Just like that?" Hiyori asks surprised, "that was quick."

"I'll tell the others. Be there. The both of you." Mimi smirks before they walked off.

"Cool, a party, and you're invited!" I smile, glad he'll be there. Genos smiled back along with a small chuckle.

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