The Results

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I exhale as we went back to the lockers, and the guys went to their side. "Oh, you're done too?" Saitama's asks.

"Yes," Genos replies.

I just nodded and opened my locker. I shouldn't have done that, act all cute. Yes, I couldn't keep my mind off that during the written test but who cares? I'm already a hero anyway.

Ugh, see [Y/N]! This is why you never try being kawaii!!

"What's the matter with her? Why so silent and pouty?" I heard Saitama ask Genos. "And why are you looking at her like that?"

"Uh! Like what, Master?" Genos quickly changes the volume of his voice in panic.

"I wonder what our scores are," I say instead, before I could think of anything else.

"I'm sure I did well," Saitama smirks.

"Of course, you're Saitama," I crossed my arms as I walked over to them.

"Yes," Genos agrees.

"Hey, is there a point in you taking fitness tests?" Saitama asked.


"Well, can't you just give them the data on your specs?" I ask.

"Well, whatever, so how was it?" Saitama shrugs it off. "I noticed you were with Genos...and those weird teens from the market. They don't really look so fit for a hero."

"Tell me about it," I rub the back of my neck worriedly.

"Both the written and fitness test were far too simple," Genos replied.

"Right? Is that really all there is to becoming a hero?" Saitama smirks proudly.

"Yeah, we should get our results soon," I say, "I mean, c'mon, the passing grade is a 70. Plus, the written test was way too easy. Anyone could get full points on it."

Even my friends could have gotten full points, so I'm worried that it's possible they could make it in, especially Nana.

"Yes, there's just the fitness test, which for us, we shouldn't have posed any problems." Genos nods.

"Now, we just gotta wait," Saitama nods proudly.

"Good, I'm tired," I lay on a bench on my stomach and pulled out my phone to play games.

Genos' POV:

I couldn't stop staring at her as she played on her phone. Her cute little figure made me want to--what is it?--hold her? Hug her?

She acted like a little kid, and it was cute. With her hair up like that and her tongue stuck out to the side as she concentrated on her game made me want to go awww or laugh out loud.

"Aw!" She cried with an adorable squeaky voice, causing me to snap out of it. She lifted herself up a little to scowl at the game. "There's a hacker in the server!"

She then set herself back down and went back to concentrating. This time, she lifted up her legs and swayed them back and forth oppositely like a little child.

Man, she's really cute.

"Hey, Genos," Master suddenly called.

I turned to him quickly as if he caught me staring. "Yes, Master?"

"Are you okay?" He raises an eyebrow with a knowing smile. "You seem to be stuck in a daze."

"I-" I blushed slightly, "I'm fine. I was just...thinking."

"About?" He leans closer with that suspicious smile.

"Our test results," I lie.

"Yeah, me too," he leans back and slumps. "How long do we have to wait?"

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