Speed of Sound Sonic

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Your POV

It was a nice day as I hummed walking through the forest, searching for my favorite tree.

When found, I sat, my back leaning against the blossom tree as I glanced up at the sky. I smiled as pretty flowers floated and landed on and around me.

I needed time alone with me and my thoughts for a while. I had to comprehend what had just happened last night at the market.

I mean, this is my happy and calm place either way. I come here at least five times each week.

Birds chirped here and there. Flowers and leaves rustled calmly. A squirrel passed by, making me giggle as it quickly scurried up a tree.

And at last, no human interaction.

Ehhh...at least I thought so.

A muscular--and naked?--bald guy ran past me. He was screaming for some apparent reason.

What the hell?!

As a hero, I wanted to check if he was okay, but I'm just glad I didn't see anything I wasn't supposed to.

"Saitama probably encountered him and beat him up 'cause he stole his bald look," I laugh jokingly to myself and relaxed.

You know, to kinda think of it, the way I'm looking up, with the branches and blossoms covering part of the sky, made it seem like this would be a good marriage proposal or just where to get married.

In fact, it can also be perfect for where to bury me. Heck, I wouldn't care if I died right here, you know? I love this place, and I'm down to just get shot right here right now.

You know what I'm talking about. That feeling where you just don't care and think, "I'd be fine if I died right here, and I wouldn't--"

"Where did Hammerhead wander off to?" A sudden mysterious voice asked.

"Huh?" My head immediately popped up in alert. Hammer what? Hammerhead? What type of name is that?

"There's no one left here...but you," with a tone like that, it felt like there was a sly smirk on whoever's face.

Realizing the voice wasn't my imagination, I stood up carefully and placed my hand on my katana's handle.

"Hm, who do we have here?" He whistled. Something had passed me in a blur. I suddenly turned, yet there was no one.

Eyes unable to blink, I grew attentive sight, slowly scanning the trees and my surroundings.

"Hey, you're kinda cute," the voice remarks, "say, by any chance you're an assassin, 'cause I think we'll be a perfect match?"

W-what now?

Flustered, my hand and eyes relax, leaving the sword's handle. Ah, so this isn't a fight.

Suddenly, a figure darted passed me again; this time, my reflexes caused me to swiftly turn around and throw a shuriken.

But the figure caught it between his index and middle finger.

Oh shit!

It was a ninja, standing on a boulder. He wore black clothes with silver pieces of armour or design underneath while a purple scarf was wrapped around his neck, blowing with the wind.

Purple streaks under his piercing gray eyes caught my attention. And not only that, he too possessed a katana, just hanging from his back.

I breathed. "I...am so--"

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